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    Title: 不孕污名與因應策略對不孕患者情緒適應的影響
    The effects of infertile stigma and coping strategies on emotional adjustment in infertile patients
    Authors: 吳宜蓉
    Contributors: 許文耀
    Keywords: 不孕症
    Quality of life
    Coping strategy
    Positive affect and negative affect
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-03-01 17:13:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究之目的是發展適用於華人文化之不孕污名量表並驗證之,藉此探討不孕污名對不孕患者心理適應的影響。然而根據壓力與因應互動理論,Lazarus與Folkman (1984)認為個體面對壓力源時並不會直接產生情緒問題,而是會進行一些調適與因應,因此本研究亦進一步探討在不孕污名與情緒適應間,不同因應策略的中介效果。在不孕污名方面,將根據雷俊等人(2010)與台灣相關質化研究之結果分成家庭污名與自我污名;因應向度方面,根據探索性因素分析之結果將短版因應量表(Abbey, Andrews, & Halman, 1991)分為問題解決因應與逃避因應等兩個因應向度;情緒狀態則分成正向情緒與負向情緒。本研究採用自陳式問卷調查,調查對象為654位台灣與大陸廈門不孕症初診女性病人及其配偶(包含177位台灣女性、177位台灣男性、215位大陸女性、85位大陸男性)。主要研究結果如下:(1)女性部分,探索性與驗證性因素結果均支持不孕污名的二因素結構,而男性僅萃取出一個因素。(2)階層迴歸結果顯示,當女性感受到的家庭污名與自我污名越高,不孕相關生活品質越低、正向情緒越低、負向情緒則越高。(3)中介效果部分,在台灣女性中,逃避因應在家庭污名與負向情緒間具備部分中介變項的角色,而在大陸女性中,逃避因應在自我污名與負向情緒間具有部分中介的效果。最後將根據研究結果提出實務上的運用與研究限制之建議。
    The purpose of this study was to develop and validate Infertile Stigma Scales which was applicable to Chinese cultures and examined the effects of perceived infertile stigma on psychological adjustment in infertile patients. According to “transactional model of stress and coping”(Larazus & Folkman, 1984), the stressors didn’t directly influence the individual’s emotion, but though coping to influence. Therefore, this study would investigate the mediation effects of coping strategies on relationship between infertile stigma and emotional adjustment. Infertile stigma was divided into two dimensions─family stigma and self stigma suggested in previous studies. Brief Ways of Coping(Abbey et al., 1991)was divided into problem-solving coping and avoidant coping, while emotional state was divided into positive emotion and negative emotion based on the results of exploratory factor analysis (EFA). This study recruited 654 first-visit female patients and their partner, including 177 women in Taiwan, 177 men in Taiwan, 215 women in Xiamen, and 85 men in Xiamen. The main results showed: (1) the two-factor model of infertile stigma was supported in EFA and CFA in women, while only one factor was extracted in men; (2) hierarchical regression analysis indicated that higher levels of perceived family stigma and self stigma were associated with decreased infertility-related quality of life, decreased positive emotion and increased negative emotion in women; (3) Partial mediation effect of avoidant coping is significant on relation between family stigma and negative affect in Taiwan’s female infertile patients, while in Xiamen’s female infertile patients, avoidant coping was the partial mediator between self stigma and negative emotion. Finally, implications and limitations of this study were discussed.
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