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    Title: 運用知識翻新原則培養華語文師資生調適型教學設計取向之個案研究
    A case study of developing adaptive pedagogical design orientation among TCSL students by using knowledge building principles
    Authors: 吳惠萍
    Wu, Hui Ping
    Contributors: 洪煌堯
    Wu, Hui Ping
    Keywords: 知識翻新原則
    Knowledge building principles
    TCSL students
    Instructional design orientation
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2017-03-01 17:12:46 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近來的研究指出,過往以掌握語言知識規則和模仿優秀教學方法的師資培育方式,已不足以應對全球各異的華語文教學體制和環境。未來世界的華語教師應具備在新情境中學習和解決問題的調適性專長。因此,本研究之目的在於運用知識翻新原則以培養更具有調適型教學設計能力的華語文師資生。



    其次,在師資生教學設計能力的發展上,研究發現師資生若願意嘗試從學習理論找尋方法,突破原先的教學方式,則會朝向兼顧教學創新與效率的調適型(adaptation-oriented)教學設計取向發展。若只憑靠熟悉的教學經驗,忽略學習理論的助力,抗拒改變,則會朝向常規型(routine-oriented)教學設計取向發展,易成為教書匠。另外,缺乏教學經驗的師資生,雖願意嘗試應用各種學習理論,卻因缺乏經驗而無法達到執行效果,則易成為受挫的新手教師(frustrated novice)。

    Recent research indicates that conventional teaching Chinese as a second language (TCSL) teacher education methods that involve mainly mastering language knowledge and teaching skills and imitating model teachers’ teaching methods have become inadequate to cope with the diverse need from culturally different TCSL systems and environments worldwide. Instead, future TCSL teachers should possess more adaptive disposition and expertise in order for learning and solving problems in new situations.

    To this end, the purpose of this study is to apply some innovative knowledge building principles to help teacher education students develop more adaptive pedagogical design abilities for TCSL.

    A case study method was employed in this study. A set of knowledge building principles was adopted for the pedagogical design in this course, and a Knowledge Forum platform was used for online discussion and feedback. Activities including designing a teaching plan, reflecting on literature reading, and providing peer feedback were integrated with knowledge building principles to guide the participating teacher education students to develop more innovation-oriented instructional design abilities. Data collected during the research process included the participants’ discourse content in Knowledge Forum, classroom teaching video records, interview data transcripts, and the teaching plans designed. Quantitative and qualitative analyses were conducted subsequently. The research results are presented as follows.

    First, the participating teacher education students’ overall instructional design orientation and their teaching beliefs were both moving towards more student-oriented direction. The participants were able to revise their initial instructional design method in their teaching plans to promote more student participation in learning activities. With the guidance of the knowledge building principles, the teacher education students were able to substantially improve their learning outcomes regarding TCSL teaching. For example, during the literature report activity, they greatly reduced discussion on a theoretical level and were able to better translate theories into TCSL teaching practices. During the teaching plan feedback activity, the participants were able to propose more procedure-oriented questions related to teaching methods rather than just declarative-oriented questions concerning only with details in teaching plans. Finally, during the instructional design activity, the participants were also able to minimize lecture-based teaching activities in order to implement the teaching principle of “teach concisely and practice frequently” for the students.

    Second, the results showed that if the participants are willing to make good use of existing learning theories to revise conventional teaching methods, they will be more likely to develop adaptation-oriented instructional designs that highlight both teaching innovation and efficiency. In contrast, if the participants rely merely on their acquainted teaching experiences and ignore the potential support availed by learning theories, their resistance to change can lead them to adopting more routine-oriented pedagogical designs. Moreover, for those participants who lack teaching experience, although they are willing to apply various learning theories in practice, they typically cannot reach the desired teaching effectiveness and as a result, they become frustrated easily.

    Based on these research results, suggestions were made regarding how to better cultivate teacher education students’ adaptive pedagogical design abilities for knowledge building education, TCSL teacher training departments, and TCSL education policy departments.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1001605021
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