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    Title: 從供應鏈與電子商務整合觀點 探討T公司全球在地化之研究
    The integration perspective of supply chain and E- Commerce to explore the glocalization of T company
    Authors: 楊宏興
    Yang, Hung Hsing
    Contributors: 李易諭
    Yang, Hung Hsing
    Keywords: 供應鏈管理
    Supply chain management
    Collaborative commerce
    Build to order
    Configure to order
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-03-01 17:09:28 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   近20年來因為網際網路的快速發展,造就了電子商務(Electronic Commerec, EC) 協同商務的興起,並創造了很多的新的商業交易經營模式,電子商務具有迅速流通、無遠弗屆、成本低廉、可全天運行等優點,其應用商機有無窮的潛力,因此成為各企業提昇生產力及競爭力之趨勢,同時資訊科技產品的生產技術也隨之提高,且更注重相關的供應鏈的運用與管理。而市場與客戶的自主意識也增強,需求更趨於多樣化,因而形成了愈來愈分眾與多元的需求市場。原來只強調產品品質、價格滿意與售後服務的消費,必須運用即時回應與交貨速度與效率等需求功能取代,因此,如何來快速的反應客戶或市場需求與快速交貨以滿足客戶在地化的需求,並且沒有造成客戶的堆積的庫存? 就是我們要探討的課題。
    接單製造(Build to Order, BTO)是近年來電腦產業新興的生產方式,依據客戶的產品需求規格來做接單組裝生產製造 (Configure to Order, CTO),以滿足客戶的實際需要,跟傳統式的標準產品的方式有了一些差別,但要符合在短期內快速、彈性的生產,縮短交付的的前置時間及降低存貨。因此必須能夠運用成熟的電子商務的運籌方式結合精實的供應鏈管理方式,來達到全球快速接單,並能夠在非常短期的時間內完成生產組裝與在地出貨。
    本研究目的在於探討個案T公司計畫運用「全球接單,在地出貨」的營運模式,藉由電子商務方式來運行全球接單方式,並透過精實的供應鏈管理( Supply Chain Management, SCM)運作與規劃來做精實生產,及在地接單組裝生產(CTO)的方式,創造出所屬行業的新的運行經營模式,增加市場競爭力,達到公司轉型,扭轉困境,進而轉虧為盈。在過程中,將探討接單生產出現的背景與運作,且要了解以供應鏈管理的角度探究實施接單生產的效果,及以在地化的地理優勢來探究未來所能提供的在地化售後服務,與前端業務需求的快速回應,讓客戶對T公司的黏著度提高,而產生了更密切且深化的合作關係。
    接下來運用協同商務(Collaborative Commerce)的運作,可協助整體系統運作時更清楚了解前端客戶的需求,可共同由設計、行銷、採購、及規劃預測等機制、雙方建立起更長遠的合作機制,也讓整體的前端的需求行銷與後端生產製造,緊緊的結合,如此更強化了雙方的競爭優勢。
    In the past 20 years, the rapid development of Internet to create the collaborative E-Commerce (Electronic Commerce, EC) business, and a lot of new transactions business models. E-Commerce’s advantages have rapid circulation, low-cost, all-day operation, etc., so it has infinite potential, and it is the trend of the productivity and competitiveness of enterprises. Due to products` manufacture skills improved, so more attention to the use of related Supply Chain Management. The customer`s sense of autonomy is also enhanced and demand more diversified, thus forming a more diversified demand market.
    The first priority replaced by quickly response and efficiency delivery from products’ quality, price satisfaction and after-sales service necessary. Therefore, the how to make manufacturer`s order and delivery to response and delivery quickly to customer or market demand and to meet customer needs in the localization, and also does not cause the accumulation of customers’ inventory? This is our purposes to explore these operations.
    The trend of the industrial and commercial applications of products order type, it mostly was a small quantity in many orders, not like the consumer`s products in large amount order in same specification and style. This trend forced the business must provide more Customized products’ design and production, and can quickly respond with the rapid delivery which is the key to success and success factors.
    The Build to Order (BTO) is the new production mode of the computer industry in recent years. To according customer`s product specifications and order to do the configured assembly (CTO) to meet the actual customers need. So there are some different with the traditional standard products manufacture. If we like to meet the rapid and flexible production and delivery quickly, and reduce inventory. It must be to use a sophisticated E-Commerce and supply Chain Management to achieve the global order, and quickly local assembly and delivery in a very short period.
    The purpose of this study is to explore the case of T company plans to use the "global orders, local delivery" operation, by E-Commerce way to run the global order, and through the supply chain management (SCM), and local assemble by configure to order (CTO). That purpose is to create a new industry operation model that is to increase the market competitiveness, then to achieve the company transformation, to reverse the dilemma, and then turn the deficit to profit. We will to know the background of the production and order process, to see the executive effect by supply chain management operation and the implementation of orders, and local geographical advantages if provide after-sales service and the rapid response for the front-end that make customer satisfaction, and also will increase closer and deepened cooperative relations.
    Next, the Collaborative Commerce can help the overall system operate more clearly understand the needs of front-end customers, together by the design, marketing, procurement, and planning and forecasting mechanisms, the two sides to establish a more long-term cooperation mechanism. Also to the overall front-end demand for marketing and back-end manufacturing, making the combination, so more to strengthen the two sides of the competitive advantages.
    The results of the study can be seen, the case T company if the implementation of this paper proposed e-commerce (EC) combined with the local assemble by configure to order (CTO) operation that will be best effect. If also do the good management and implement in the procurement management, production management and information capacity.
    Information technology plays a very important role in the supply chain management because it is a bridge between supply and demand transactions and production demand messages that affect the overall supply chain operation. So the need to integrate the company`s internal and external information, to be able to achieve "global orders, local delivery" model to be great success.
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