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    Title: 臺灣文創園區的運營探討
    An exploratory study on business models of Taiwan`s culture and creative Industries
    Authors: 林世偉
    Lin, Shih Wei
    Contributors: 尚孝純
    Shang, Shari
    Lin, Shih Wei
    Keywords: 文化創意園區
    Culture creative park
    Business model
    Consumer surplus
    Big data
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-03-01 17:07:25 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 什麼是文化創意產業?而生活中不同的產業,如何具備這文化的內涵,如何用創意來增加價值,讓產品提升。其中包含三個層面1)文化:是一種公民權,也跟生活息息相關。2)創意:透過市場完成價值兌現,不斷修正與進化的產物。3)產業:一種群聚或產業鏈的建構,如何促成文創工作者彼此間的鏈結。而整個文化、創意、產業的微縮影,分別代表了上、中、下游的價值創造活動過程,而各個階段各有其需要去思考的經營議題與挑戰,包含文化底蘊的積累、創意作品(智慧財產權)到產品乃至於商品的價值創造過程、以及營運模式的建構等。
    本研究透過個案研究方式,主要係應用Montgomery(2004)提出對於文化園區所應發揮之功能與觀點(研發、教育、展演、休憩)及Osterwalder & Pigneur(2009)提出之獲利世代(Business Model Generation)的商業模式及構成要素的理論基礎上,進行臺灣文創園區的運營模式探討。本研究個案以臺灣目前委外經營之四個指標文創園區,以促參合約乙方民間經營業者的角度,從公開資料或深度訪談方式,去探討文創園區因時間因素之推移而產生商業模式上之改變,及其前後改變與意義,並透過四個文創園區彼此間跨個案之交叉相互比較,得出共同及差異之處,藉以歸納出文創園區可能之發展軌跡與挑戰。
    研究發現,文創園區發展之里程碑,包含1)草創期、2)轉型深化期、3)鏈結文創產業、4)建立文創典範。其中,匯聚文創消費人潮及塑造獨特體驗場域,為所有文創園區草創期共同之努力重點。另如何健全文創產業鏈,需要非常多環節之配合,而「中介組織」則扮演關鍵角色。以及文創園區經營者面對文化外溢現象之經營態度的重定位。並討論文創園區的成敗與知識財產(Intellectual Property,簡稱IP)的關係、知識財產與消費者剩餘的關係、消費者剩餘與園區營運的價值、大數據運用、對社會及消費者的影響、對文創業者的洞見。並在結果產出後提出管理意涵。盼作為促參法公私協力下之文創園區管理者的運營參考。
    What are culture and creative industries? And how do different industries equip themselves with this culture, how do they use creativity to add value and upgrade their products? There are three elements to this issue: 1) Culture: this is a civil right and intimately connected to daily life. 2) Creativity: this is redeemed as earned value via the marketplace with products that are continually updated and evolve. 3) Industry: how does a structure like a cluster or industrial chain facilitate the linkage between culture and creative workers. The entire culture, creative, industrial microcosm represents up-, middle-, and downstream value creation. And each stage has its own operational issues and challenges that must be considered, including accumulating a cultural heritage, and the process of value creation for creative works (IPR), manufactured products, and merchandise, as well as the building of business models.

    Using the case-study approach, this study is primarily based on the views regarding the role of creative and cultural parks (research, education, performing arts, leisure activities) proposed by Montgomery (2004) and the business model proposed by Alexander Osterwalder &Yves Pigneur (2009) in their Business Model Generation to explore operational models for Taiwan culture and creative parks. The study focuses on four target parks currently managed under subcontract by the government. Taking the public/private partnership (PPP) approach and using publicly available data or in-depth interviews, it explores changes in culture and creative park business models over time, before-and-after changes and their meaning. Also by means of cross-case comparisons of the four target parks one with the other, the study shows the similarities and differences among them and uses this data to draw conclusions on the developmental challenges and paths for culture and creative parks as a whole.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103932076
    Data Type: thesis
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