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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/106826
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    Title: 博物館導覽系統之實驗性研究:行動應用程式對參觀者之效用
    An experimental study of museum navigation system: does mobile application matter to visitors?
    Authors: 陳貞羽
    Chen, Chen Yu
    Contributors: 李有仁
    Chen, Chen Yu
    Keywords: 行動導覽
    Mobile navigation
    Museum navigation
    Design science
    Design research
    User satisfaction
    Mobile application
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-03-01 17:04:51 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究首先從文獻回顧及實際調查中深入探討影響參觀者使用博物館行動導覽系統的七大影響因素,接著據此設計並實作出在智慧型手機平台上使用之一套博物館行動導覽系統,以期有效解決現有參觀者遇到的導覽問題。研究中使用設計科學之研究方法,提出解決方案,並且依據實際環境、背景以及文獻基礎,設計整體的系統架構。接著以故宮為例,建構出本研究之博物館行動導覽系統手機應用程式。系統開發完成後,以實驗法進行設計之驗證,評估結果顯示:本研究所提出之行動導覽系統相較於傳統之紙本導覽,可提升參觀者使用博物館行動導覽系統的意願、感知價值及滿意度。本研究之博物館行動導覽系統建置過程、以及系統成效的驗證,可作為手機應用程式(APP)廠商建置行動導覽系統或使用設計科學法開發其他類別的APP之指引;亦或作為博物館策劃展覽活動與導入行動導覽系統之依據;此外本研究亦指出使用者預期實際使用系統之感知與預期系統需求之落差,以供未來相關研究參考。
    In this research, according to literature review and field observations, we first identify and discuss seven design factors affecting visitors’ usability in museum mobile navigation systems. We then design and construct a museum mobile navigation system on the basis of the seven factors. The purpose is to meet the visitors’ needs and increase the visitors’ intention and satisfaction toward using the museum mobile navigation system. Design science research method is used in this research to propose solution plans. According to actual environment, context, and literature, the complete system architecture is designed. We then build a mobile navigation application on Android for the National Palace Museum and evaluate the design to ensure this system can effectively solve the problems that the visitors encountered during navigation process. In this research, the building process of the mobile museum navigation system and the evaluation of the system performance could provide guidance to APP vendors; or a basis for museums to plan an exhibition and to implement a mobile navigation system. Moreover, the gap between users’ perception of using the real system and their expected system requirements can be identified; this could serve as the reference point of future related research.
    Reference: 中文部分
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