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    Title: 福爾摩莎的糧食民主: 台灣有機食品自耕農的問題與前景
    Food Democracy in Formosa: Problems and Prospects for Independent Farmers in Taiwan’s Organic Food Sector
    Authors: 辛介石
    Peter, Singer-Towns
    Contributors: 湯京平

    Tang, Ching-Ping
    Tang, Ching-Ping

    Peter Singer-Towns
    Keywords: 糧食民主機制
    Food Democracy
    Independent farmer
    Corporate organics
    Organic food label
    Certification authority
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2017-02-08 16:50:01 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 研究目的主要是根據參與有機事業的觀點更進一步了解台灣有機領域的狀況。 訪問七位於北台灣的有機領域的參與者進行非正式訪談:有機農戶、店家、有機商品認證機構回答相關有機領域的問題和消費者問卷調查。研究結果顯示獨立有機農戶所面臨一些挑戰和台灣糧食民主機制下運作的潛力—獨立有機農戶處理大部分財團的競爭和有機標誌混淆消費者的狀況下。由於真正問題並非在食物的品質本身於是焦點可轉向對於有機農戶或其他獨立生產機構有利的狀況。最後,本研究將提供一些建議給未來的研究以及提供目前問題的可能解決方法。
    The purpose of this study is to further the understanding of the state of the organic food industry in Taiwan with special consideration given to the perspectives of those participating in it. Seven participants in the organic foods industry in Northern Taiwan were selected for informal interviews. Farmers, store owners, and an organic food certification authority answered questions about the organic food industry, and consumers were surveyed as well. The findings uncovered several challenges that independent organic farmers face, and that the rate of Food Democracy in Taiwan is operating below its potential, as independent farmers deal with competition from dominant corporations, while the organic labeling system confuses consumers. Since the problem is not with the quality of the food, focus can be shifted toward ensuring a level playing field for farmers with smaller independent operations. Finally, this study gives several suggestions for avenues of future research and offers possible solutions to the problems uncovered.
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