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    Title: 行騙天下:臺灣跨境電信詐欺犯罪網絡之分析
    Global networks of fraud : criminal networks of Taiwan`s cross-border telecommunications fraud
    Authors: 曾雅芬
    Tseng, Ya-Fen
    Contributors: 許春金

    Sheu, Chuen-Jim
    Wang, Jenn-Hwan

    Tseng, Ya-Fen
    Keywords: 跨境電信詐欺
    Cross-border telecommunications fraud
    Criminal network
    Criminal opportunity
    Spatial division of labor
    Social network
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2017-02-08 16:44:56 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   資訊時代下全球化造成了流動空間的出現,亦促進了網絡社會的崛起;其影響不僅擴及政治、社會、經濟層面,更形成了全球犯罪經濟的現象。臺灣境內詐欺犯罪從過去當面直接接觸,轉為透過電信或網路間接接觸的詐騙形式;在政府的全面查緝及兩岸共同打擊犯罪之下,近年來電信詐欺集團呈現向外擴散跨越國境乃至全球的趨勢。此類全球犯罪網絡的相關實證研究至今仍極為缺乏,因此,本研究旨在討論前述犯罪機會、空間分工及社會網絡如何形成跨境電信詐欺犯罪網絡,及其背後的特殊運作機制。
    In the Information Age, globalization has brought about the emergence of space of flows and the rise of network society. Its influence not only extends to the political, social, and economic levels, but also forms the global criminal economy. In Taiwan, fraud has occurred from direct contact format (such as face-to-face) to indirect ones (such as via telephones and the Internet). Owing to the government`s comprehensive investigation and the cross-strait joint criminal judicial co-operation, the telecoms fraud groups recently have traveled across borders and even to the whole world. As the relevant research based on empirical data is scant, this research aims to discuss how criminal opportunities, spatial division of labor, and social networks construct a cross-border telecommunications fraud criminal network and the special operational mechanism behind it.
    In this research, I reviewed the relevant literature, analyzed empirical data, and then conducted in-depth interviews with 18 respondents which include 11 prisoners, 4 criminal investigators and 3 police liaison officers. It is concluded that criminal opportunities would influence the spatial division of labor and social networks within criminal groups; these three important indicators formulate the criminal network of cross-border telecommunications fraud. A special operational mechanism combining various criminal opportunities (the convergence of offenders, targets, absence of guardians, and means; in which guardians include the level of national, cyber and financial regulations), spatial mobility and division of labor with the third-place mechanism, and strong and weak ties of social networks with the third-person mechanism, transforms fraud networks into a far-reaching global criminal system. The relationship between core group members and the third-person is not only a link but also a breakpoint, and it is undoubtedly the operational key. Ultimately, this research paints a clear picture of the global criminal networks and thus will possibly benefit the development of future criminal prevention and correction policies.
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