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    Title: 年輕乳癌患者的人我處境與未來感: 心理經驗轉化現象探討
    Exploring the transformative felt experiences of interpersonal situatedness and future temporality of young breast cancer patients: The phenomenological psychology approach
    Authors: 楊子慧
    Yang, Tzu Hui
    Contributors: 林耀盛
    Lin, Yaw Sheng
    Yang, Tzu Hui
    Keywords: 乳癌
    breast cancer
    posttraumatic growth
    phenomenological psychology
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-02-08 16:40:51 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 目的:本研究探討乳癌患者從受苦到經驗正向改變的轉化,以王韋婷(2014)研究為基礎進行探討。該研究於術後一日、三個月、六個月與一年,追蹤測量乳癌患者的創傷後成長(PTG),並依量表分數變化將參與者分為四種軌跡發展組別,分別為高穩定組、中間組、上升組與下降組。本研究以訪談方式進行後續追蹤。
    Objectives: The study aims to explore how the young breast cancer survivors perceived psychological growth since operation treatment, focusing on their transformative experiences of interpersonal situatedness and sense of future temporality.
    Methods: Based on the dissertation by Wang (2014), the participants are recruited from Wang’s research the subjects were divided into four groups (stable high, middle stable, low increasing, and sharp decreasing) by the patterns of their posttraumatic growth(PTG) scores assessed at 1day, 3, 6, 12 months after surgery. There are five participants whose mean age 35.6 at diagnosis were interviewed and data transcribed, and analyzed by phenomenological psychology approach.
    Results: Four themes emerged from the data analysis, including: (1) Enduring suffering out of daily order under cancer treatment. (2) Ethical act to care for suffering experiencing. (3) Meaning transformation of the suffering. (4) Different solicitude modes of being-in-the-world. Participants belonging to stable high group turn their state of mind from anxiety (Angst) into care (Sorge), facing the life situation and engage in life world. Participants belonging to middle stable group try to realize existential meaning and the sense of uncanny body, seeking for the dwelling of the habitual body. The ill life is an unhomelike being-in-the-world in which the lived body, the central vehicle of this being-in of Da-sein, takes on alien and uncanny qualities. Health, in contrast to this frustrating unhomelikeness, is a homelike being-in-the-world in which the lived body in most cases has a transparent quality as the point of access to the world in understanding activities.
    Conclusion: Participants belonging to stable high group carry on limited lifetime and take authentic mode of being toward death, illustrating ‘being-in-itself’, and the experience of illness underlines our homeless predicament, but it can also serve as a springboard to addressing and living with existential uncertainty in a more authentic way. Participants belonging to middle stable group hold on limited lifetime and take future temporality as a hope to leave the predicament, illustrating ‘being-for-itself’, and it projects the possibilities of the future, on the basis of the care pattern of meaning constituting its past, as a means of constructing its present. In Heidegger’s words, ‘‘The totality of being of Dasein as care means: ahead-of-itself-already-being-in (a world) as being-together-with beings encountered in the world”. The outcome implication and further research agenda are discussed.
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