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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/106394
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    Title: 應用情感分析於輿情之研究-以台灣2016總統選舉為例
    A Study of using sentiment analysis for emotion in Taiwan`s presidential election of 2016
    Authors: 陳昭元
    Chen, Chao-Yuan
    Contributors: 姜國輝
    Chiang, Kuo-Huie
    Chen, Chao-Yuan
    Keywords: 情感分析
    Sentiment Analysis
    Text Classification
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2017-02-08 16:34:09 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 從2014年九合一選舉到今年總統大選,網路在選戰的影響度越來越大,後選人可透過網路上之熱門討論議題即時掌握民眾需求。
    情緒傾向標注方面,證實本研究擴充後的情感詞集比起NTUSD有更好的字詞極性判斷效果,並且進一步使用ChineseWordnet 和 SentiWordNet,找出詞彙的情緒強度,使得在網友評論的情緒計算更加準確。亦發現所有文本的情緒指數皆具皆能反應民調指數,故本研究用文本的情緒指數來建立民調趨勢分類模型。
    From Taiwanese local elections, 2014 to Taiwan presidential elections, 2016. Network is in growing influence of the election. The nominee can immediately grasp the needs of the people through a popular subject of discussion on the website.
    Sentiment Analysis research encompasses supervised and unsupervised methods for analyzing review text. The supervised learning is proved as a powerful method with high accuracy, but there are limits where future trend cannot be recognized, and the labels of individual classes must be made manually.
    In the study, we propose a Chinese Sentiment Analysis method which combined supervised and unsupervised learning. First, we used unsupervised learning to label every articles. Secondly, we used supervised learning to build classification model and verified the result.
    According to the result of finding subject labeling, we found that TFIDF-Kmeans model is not suitable because of document characteristic. NPMI-Concor model is better than TFIDF-Kmeans model. But the subject words is not balanced. However, LDA model has the feature that all subject is share by all articles. LDA model classification performance can reach 97% accuracy. So we choose it to decide article subject.
    According to the result of sentimental labeling, the sentimental dictionary we build has higher accuracy than NTUSD on judging word polarity. Moreover, we used ChineseWordnet and SentiWordNet to calculate the strength of word. So we can have more accuracy on calculate public’s sentiment. So we use these sentiment index to build prediction model.
    In the result of subject labeling, our accuracy is 95%. Meanwhile, In the result of prediction our accuracy is 85%. We also create the Visualization report for the nominee to understand the positive and the negative options of public. Our research can help the nominee by providing competitive wisdom.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103356020
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[資訊管理學系] 學位論文

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