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    Title: 綠色供應鏈雲端服務之導入研究- 以台灣紡織業為例
    Cloud green supply system for Taiwanese textile industry
    Authors: 楊學隆
    Yang, Shiue-Lung
    Contributors: 楊亨利
    Yang, Heng-Li
    Yang, Shiue-Lung
    Keywords: 綠色供應鏈
    green supply chain
    Cloud Service
    Texttile Industry
    Usage Intention
    Service Quality
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2017-02-08 16:33:55 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著世界環保意識的提高,參與紡織生產的企業必須遵守多種限制性物質清單並
    本研究採用兩階段的縱貫性研究:第一階段針對至少使用 GTCS 半年的廠商作為
    研究對象,第二階段針對使用 GTCS 至少兩年的廠商作為研究對象。兩個階段均採用問卷調查法,以 PLS 進行資料的迴歸分析。
    在本研究第一階段,本研究實證發現 GTCS 的服務品質以六個潛在變數決定,同
    時,當知覺服務品質較高時,則也正向影響知覺有用性、使用者滿意度與系統的持續使用意願等。除此之外,環保法令規範帶來的知覺壓力也正向影響 GTCS 的知覺有用性,而信任則是影響 GTCS 持續使用意願的最重要的因素。
    在本研究第二階段,本研究調查了單一供應鏈下的 88 家供應商。本研究發現,這些供應商對於中心廠的依賴與信任會增加供應商分享資訊的意願。當供應商有著高度資訊分享程度以及適切的資訊成熟度,供應商會增加其產品供應綠色管制的資訊化程度,而這也會使的綠色管理的績效程度更為增加。
    With the rise of environmental awareness around the world, businesses involved in textile production have to comply with multiple restricted substance lists and sign letters of commitment. The purpose of this study is to investigate the usage and impacts of a Green Textile Cloud Services System (GTCS) in Taiwan’s textile industry.
    This study was conducted as longitudinal research in two stages: samples in the first stage have used GTCS at least half a year, samples in the second stages had used GTCS at
    least two years. In both of two stages, the questionnaire method was adopted, and data were analyzed using PLS regression.
    In the first stage of this study, we empirically found that the service quality of GTCS is determined by six latent variables and higher perceived service quality is positively related to perceived usefulness, user satisfaction, and continuance intention of the system. Besides, perceived pressure of environmental regulations also has a positive effect on perceived usefulness of GTCS, and trust is the most important factor affecting ontinuance intention of GTCS.
    In the second stage of this study, investigating one supply chain line with 88 satellite suppliers, we found that dependence and trust on central firm would enhance the willing to share information. With high information sharing and suitable information maturity, suppliers would increase the level of electronic green control bridging with GCTS, which would further enhance green supply performance.
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