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    Title: 非營利組織活動行銷之研究- 以警廣活動為例
    A Study on the Event Marketing of Non - profit Organizations:A Case Study on PRS Activities
    Authors: 洪宗適
    Contributors: 祝鳯岡
    Ju, Feng-Gang
    Keywords: 非營利組織
    Non-profit organizations
    Government-owned radio station
    Event marketing
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2017-02-08 16:32:23 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在國內,非營利公營電台成立之初,多因特殊任務需求及對象而創設,再加上兼具公營與廣播媒體雙重特性,因此在經營與管理各方面,都與一般商業廣播電台及非營利組織有所不同。然而,對於目前國內的非營利公營電台而言,如何善用非營利組織有使命有理想的正面形象,以及廣播媒體的傳播優勢,使聽眾能認同非營利公營電台的走向,這必須藉著有效的行銷策略才能達成,而經由活動行銷的模式,也是一個比較能立即檢視成效的作法。
    而警廣(Police Radio Station簡稱PRS)在目前公營電台中,不論其頻道數、收聽範圍與收聽率各方面,都有較積極的表現與作為。因此本研究即藉由警廣的「關懷交通系列活動」,來檢測其行銷成效,以作為其它非營利公營電台的參考。
    In Taiwan, non-profit, government-owned radio stations are created for special purposes and with a specific target audience. Due to a dual-property nature of this establishment, government-owned and broadcast media, the operation and management of these stations are different from commercial ones or other non-profit organizations. But how do these government-owned stations combine the advantages of broadcasting and non-profit characteristics with its mission and ideals to create a more positive feedback from its listeners? This must be reached by marketing strategies, and the model of event marketing in a more effective approach to reach the results more immediately.
    However, government-owned radio stations have limitations as well. No advertising revenue can be gained, nor any type of sponsorship can be accepted. It is worthy to further discuss and determine how marketing strategies can be created for non-profit government-owned radio stations that rely on government funding in order to help them gain maximum benefits without wasting taxpayer contributions or government resources.
    Among all the government-owned radio stations in Taiwan, the Police Radio Station (PRS) has the largest numbers of channels, the widest listening range, and a good listener rating. So this is a case study on PRS - Caring Traffic Safety Series of Activities, to find out the marketing effectiveness of its broadcast. The results may then be used as a reference for other non-profit government-owned radio stations.
    Through questionnaire survey and in-depth interview, this study has reached the following findings: the PRS has maintained a positive image among the audience as a “professional traffic radio” that provides traffic reports. However, in a more specific context, the PRS lacks a readily identifiable and impressive logo. Such logo could be a symbol or image of a mascot that would represent the past, present and future of the PRS and further promote its image.
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