題名: | 國中補校學生中輟原因及其因應策略之研究 A Study on the Causes of Drop - out and the Corresponding Tactics of Students in the Middle School |
作者: | 蔡朝來 |
貢獻者: | 吳政達 蔡朝來 |
關鍵詞: | 國中補校 中輟 成人學習者 Junior high school extension school Drop out Adult Learners |
日期: | 2016 |
上傳時間: | 2017-01-04 12:05:15 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 本研究旨在探討國中補校學生中輟的原因及其有關之變項;並對中輟原因的因應策略進行相關之研究。研究的方法採用文獻探討及問卷調查。研究的範圍為100至102學年度間,曾就讀補校且仍未復學之中輟生,由新北市境內辦理國中補習教育的30所國中,擇17所國中補效實施問卷。將實際收集的有效資料與以分析,得到下列幾項重要的發現及結論; 一、影響國中補校學生中輟的原因多元且複雜,以工作、家庭、自我能力認同、生理、心理及學校等因素居多。 二、國中補校學生中輟最主要原因,乃是工作及家庭因素。 三、學校因素在國中補校學生中輟原因中,在各因素之後。 四、不同個人背景變項之國中補校中輟生,其中輟原因與性別、年齡、婚姻及居住地區有關。 五、因應國中補校學生中輟生的策略,改善教師教學應被視為最重要且須立即進行之因應策略,並輔以加強學生輔導,改善環境與設備,調整課程與內容等策略。 六、在國中補校學生中輟的因應策略上,教師及學生的看法頗為一致。 The purpose of this study is to explore the cause of dropouts among junior high school extention school (JHSES) students, their related variables and the coping strategies to such dropouts. Methology of research document analysis and questionnaires were performed in the 100-102 school year. Among 30 JHSES in New Taipei City, 17 enrolled in the questionnaire. Following important conclusions were obtained from data collected: 1. Factors influencing JHSES student dropout are diverse and complex, involving work, family, self-identity, physical, psychological and school, among others. 2. Most important factor of JHSES dropout is work and family. 3. School is least influential in the JHSES dropout. 4. JHSES dropout with different personal background is most effected by gender, age, marital status and residential areas. 5. Improvement of teacher instruction should be regarded as most important and immediate strategy, supplemented by strengthening student counseling, improving environment and equipment, adjusting curriculum content, etc. 6. Teacher and student views are consistent in the strategies to improve dropout in JHSES. |
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資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0099911017 |
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