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    Title: 縣市長與縣市議員政黨得票的連動關係
    The Linkage of Party Votes between County Magistrate/City Mayoral and County/City Councilor Elections
    Authors: 呂孟威
    Lu, Meng Wei
    Contributors: 俞振華
    Yu, Chen Hua
    Lu, Meng Wei
    Keywords: 地方選舉
    local election
    local faction
    party label
    councilor election towards party competition
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2017-01-04 12:01:32 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 臺灣縣市議員與縣市長選舉的政黨競爭程度不及中央層級選舉,然而相對於地方首長選舉多數呈現兩黨競爭,地方議員選舉的政黨組成則相對多元,可能是近似縣市長的藍綠對決,也可以是無黨籍遙遙領先其他政黨,或是由單一政黨與無黨籍囊括多數選票,這代表政黨在各地區的議員與縣市長得票存在程度不等的落差。本文即在於尋找能夠解釋議員與縣市長選舉政黨得票連動關係不一的因素,並以「得票差距」及「得票相關程度」測量政黨得票的連動性。結果發現,議員選舉選區規模與議員選舉有效票數(縣市人口規模)等「先天結構因素」與政黨兩項選舉的得票差距具有關聯;除了「先天結構因素」,地方派系與現任議員參選比例等「政黨本身可掌握的因素」同樣與政黨兩項選舉的得票相關程度具有關係。地方派系在地方選舉具有舉足輕重的地位,足以解釋政黨議員與縣市長得票相關程度的變化,不過其與政黨得票差距的關係則未獲得證實,本文推測可能受到派系測量的限制。政黨標籤對地方議員選舉的重要性確實不如縣市長或中央層級選舉,但隨著縣市長選舉的兩黨競爭逐漸滲透至議員選舉,其意義已較以往提升。議員選舉兩黨競爭的出現反映議員選舉政黨化的跡象。
    The party competition is weaker in county/city councilor and county magistrate/city mayoral elections than in central elections in Taiwan. However, Electoral landscape of councilor elections is not the same in districts, rather than competition between two major parties in most county magistrate/city mayoral elections. Some are approximate two-party competition, some are parties lag far behind the independent candidates, others are single party and the independent candidates secure most votes. It indicates that the differences of party votes between county/city councilor and county magistrate/city mayoral elections vary in districts. The study explores the relationship of party votes between county/city councilor and county magistrate/city mayoral elections and uses “difference of party votes” and “correlation of the party votes” to measure the dependent variable. The results show that factors which parties can’t determine have something to do with the difference of party votes between local councilor and magistrate/mayoral elections, such as district magnitude in county/city councilor elections, scale of population in districts. In addition to factors which parties can’t determine, factors which parties can determine also have something to do with correlation of party votes between local councilor and magistrate/mayoral elections, such as local factions, the proportion of incumbent councilors run for another term. Local factions are the pivot of Taiwanese local elections, and can explain the correlation of party votes between local councilor and magistrate/mayoral elections, but the relationship with difference of party votes can’t be verified according to the result of analysis. It could attribute to the measurement of factions. The party label is less important in councilor elections than in county magistrate/city mayoral or central elections, but becomes more meaningful when two-party competition penetrates into councilor elections. The competition between two major parties of councilor elections reflects councilor election towards party competition.
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