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Title: | 拼裝主體:台灣當代小說的賽伯格閱讀 The cyborg reading of contemporary Taiwanese literature |
Authors: | 林新惠 Lin, Hsin-Hui |
Contributors: | 紀大偉 Chi, Ta-Wei 林新惠 Lin, Hsin-Hui |
Keywords: | 賽伯格 賽伯格閱讀 義肢 生態女性主義 後人類 台灣當代小說 Cyborg Cyborg reading Prosthesis Ecofeminism Posthuman Taiwanese contemporary literature |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2017-01-04 11:58:31 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本論文以「賽伯格閱讀」的方式在台灣當代小說中「讀取」三種賽伯格主體,並且展望賽伯格閱讀批判當代科技社會的可能性。賽伯格閱讀意指將文本中的人事物讀出賽伯格的意味。也就是說,賽伯格閱讀所分析的文本不必然、也不需要是容易讓人直接聯想到賽伯格理論的科幻文本,而能是更寬泛的、各種形式的文本──包括不是科幻小說的文本。重點不在於有沒有,而在於如何;不在於文本「本身」有沒有賽伯格主體的再現,而在於如何以賽伯格閱讀去讀取文本當中的賽伯格主體,並且探討該賽伯格主體如何構成,終而批判科技和特定權力位階的共謀。本論文盡量選擇科幻小說以外的文本作為分析對象,藉此挑戰「賽伯格理論通常連結到科幻文本」的刻板印象。此外,本論文也以「拼裝」這個詞彙思考混雜各種異質元素的賽伯格主體構成。本論文所提出的「義肢人」、「遊戲人」、「動物人」這三種賽伯格主體,是受哈洛威(Donna Haraway)的〈賽伯格宣言〉中「三種關鍵的界線破裂」之說所啟發。三種賽伯格主體各自對應、補充三種界線的不穩固──義肢人體現了「有機體和無機物的混淆」、遊戲人呼應「物質和非物質的曖昧不明」、動物人則為「人類和動物的難以區別」。本研究聚焦於1990年代以後的非科幻文本,並在分析其中賽伯格主體及處境時,納入身心障礙研究和生態女性主義的批判方法。本研究並非藉著後人類和賽伯格鼓吹單純地擁抱科技、宣稱人類已非人類,而是要藉著後人類和賽伯格來再次警惕科技的利弊、鼓勵各界在不同脈絡中「重新發明人類」──意即,重建一種更不具排斥性、更為寬廣的對於人的想像。 The current study suggests that the reinvention of the human stands as a potential field for future Taiwanese literature. This thesis attempts to conceptualize the subjectivities of the posthuman even beyond the field of science fiction. This thesis labels the literary practices outside science fiction as “non-science fiction.” The focus lies on non-science fiction for two reasons. One, this study attempts to challenge the assumption in Taiwanese literature that associates the concept of the posthuman only with science fiction. Second, this study finds that the presupposed literary category of science fiction limits the imagination of cyborg- or posthuman-related subjects in Taiwanese literature. Inspired by the work of well-known cyborg theorist Donna Haraway, this study notes that non-science fiction texts present three kinds of posthuman existence. According to Haraway’s “Cyborg Manifesto,” “three crucial boundary breakdowns” make the cyborg possible. The three kinds of posthuman in this thesis correspond to Haraway’s three boundary breakdowns. The man of prosthesis corresponds to the blurred boundary between organism and non-organism, the man of video games to the physics and non-physics, and the man of animal to the humans and animals. This analysis focuses on Taiwanese non-science fiction texts from the 1990s onwards and applies concepts from disable studies and ecofeminist criticism, in addition to posthuman and cyborg theories. Situated within posthuman/cyborg studies, this thesis does not celebrate the breakdown of boundaries but points to the redefinition of the human which reduces and deconstructs hierarchal oppressions. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 台灣文學研究所 102159005 |
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