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    政大機構典藏 > 學術期刊 > 廣譯 > 期刊論文 >  Item 140.119/104724
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    Title: 論譯介韓國傳統文化時中國宗教詞彙的借用問題-以韓國薩滿教之巫花為例
    Other Titles: An Introduction and Interpretation of KoreanTraditional Culture Tranformed from Chinese Religious Terms ─Focusing on “Shaman Flowers” in Korean Shamanism
    Authors: 黃弘之
    Hwang, Hung-Chi
    Date: 2008-01
    Issue Date: 2016-12-09 11:03:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 吾人常認為一國之傳統文化,賦與著該民族深湛、恆久之睿智。職是之故,傳統文化之圓滿、豐富且又具備著真正之價值者,不啻對該國或該民族,猶若中天皎皎、孕育萬物之赤日;或是有如巨流細川獲得充分開闢一般,使得萬頃之田畝阡陌,得以在煦煦陽光與沛沛流水照拂、灌溉之下,讓平原大野,因此有了芸芸眾生多采多姿的繁息空間,生命與文化也從此獲取無限發展之契機。其重要性不僅只如此,對於外國人而言,透過理解他國之傳統文化,既能快捷地了解該國之梗概,亦能藉此跨躍千仞宮牆或深溝秘壘般之文化隔閡,進而能正確體驗到他國、他民族之猶如一幅巨大圖畫當中;充滿著形形色色之變化與神采發揚及光華四射之事功。因之,運用此法去接觸與認識異國,實屬具備其客觀性與普遍性。 韓國人而言,任誰也不能否認薩滿教(Shamanism)就是淵源久遠,且隸屬於韓國重要傳統民族文化之一環。尤其在近年以來,薩滿教在韓國益發為人們所重視,無論學術界或民間社會,皆對薩滿教先前之生存的方式及其所遞嬗衍繹出來之藝術與文化,皆被視之為需要重新解讀之民族新課題。此外,韓國亦嘗試將薩滿教在其演進歷史上的每一個相續之階段,變造成為一種民族文化的新質材,再把這特殊之文化質材經過人為的淬礪、煅造之後,其最終之目標,則設定於:要將薩滿教在韓國正統文化上所居之地位,提高到歷史嶄新之理想位階上。薩滿教在韓國亦稱巫俗神教或巫教,其根源於何處,綜觀諸文獻迄今雖仍無定論,但咸信朝鮮半島中、北部的薩滿教與流行於西伯利亞之黑薩滿教較為接近,而朝鮮半島除外上述之中部、北部,其餘地區諸如:東南部及西南部的薩滿教,則無論在主其事之巫堂(女)、巫覡(男)之產生方式、著用之服飾(巫服)、所唱之巫歌、有無神靈附身、祭壇之擺設、巫樂之演奏、裝飾紙花製作技法…..等等,皆因地區之不同,而有顯著之殊異性與可觀性。今因臺、韓兩國無論在經濟、文化、貿易、觀光….等等之層面上,往來日益密切。尤其在亞洲金融風暴過後,但見股股強勁韓流,吹襲世界、襲捲臺灣,其勢有若水銀瀉地般,無孔不入。雖則如此,國人對韓國文化之了解仍屬淺薄,今擬嘗試借用中國宗教之相關詞彙,去追溯具備媒介信徒、神、巫三者性質之巫花(Shaman-flowers)的由來,藉此除了提供理解韓國薩滿教之諸宗教現象與譯介韓國之傳統文化外,並期能更加了解躋身於世界舞台,實力日益雄厚的現代韓國。
    Shaman Flower, the symbol of Korean religion, contains the meaning of ritual and sprit of Korean culture. Shaman Flower is widely accepted by the Korean’s ethic and deeply rooted in the Korean’s value. Through the transformation from generation to generation, Shaman Flower changes its originally abstract and narrow sense into the main stream of Korean culture. At the beginning, Shaman Flower is the emblem of shamanistic rituals, nowadays it not only keeps the original spirits of religion, but also represents the traditional culture which is approved by Korean governments. The antecedent of Shaman Flower originated from ancient Chinese culture with the feature of comprehensive creed of Buddhism. It also blends the essences of Taoism, Buddha, and the Confucianism and combines the traditional Korean’s cultural background to its unique symbol. With the time passes and the meaning of Shaman Flower enriches, Shaman Flower, which comes from the ancient China, emerge to the womb of its very original intension then greatly transforms. While various Shaman Flowers show up through elaborately combination, it would appear different kinds of meanings and emerges the quintessence delivered from the religion and historical culture. In Buddhism, lotus, plum blossom and peony represent auspiciousness and joy. Korean gives Shaman Flower a whole new interpretation and help to build the status in Korean’s society. In the old time, Shaman Flower was not saw highly generally, however in the recent years, the people in Korea are getting more and more serious to face squarely on this venerable cultural heritage. People have been starting to respect the fruitful results which Shamanism brings to their culture, and cherish the abundant artistic achievement. Academia puts much more energy to research the obscure mystery of Shaman, gradually it also evokes the government’s intention. With the high identity of academia, government and the people in Korea, the government eventually legislates to protect the culture legacy. Since then, the Shaman Flower is no longer the simple attribute of Shamanism, it represents the Korea and is rich in nationality of Korean as well. Nowadays, the Korea governments are devoted to combine the traditional culture, artistry and political purpose into Shaman Flower. Shaman Flower is reborn and becomes the refined, unique and graceful composition, at the same time it refreshes most of the Koreans’ outlook, too. The transformation of Shaman Flower makes people believe that it has changed to be a remarkable peculiar rather than one of the pieces which were switched from Chinese culture.
    Relation: 廣譯:語言、文學與文化翻譯, 1, 145-180
    Data Type: article
    Appears in Collections:[廣譯] 期刊論文

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