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    Title: 台灣補習教育經驗之研究
    A Study of Cram School Experience in Taiwan
    Authors: 欣怡
    Gourrier, Rebecca
    Contributors: 周祝瑛
    Chou, Chuing Prudence
    Rebecca Gourrier
    Keywords: 家庭教師
    private tutoring
    English learning in cram school
    cram school experience
    cultural phenomenon
    teaching methods
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-12-07 10:51:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 一國如在教育上過度強調以學業為導向,就會出現具有雙刃劍角色的補習現象通常會,一方面幫助學生在學術能力測驗中取得高成就,另一方面限制了學生的創造性發展。部分學生因為在普通學校中無法取得足夠的知識和技能,故而轉向補習班為測驗做準備。尤其在英語科目成為主要考核科目之後,補習班的項目也因此更加多元。本研究旨在關注台灣補習教育何以在1990年代教改之後,依然擴張的現況,補習班如何從日常學習的補充角色,轉向台灣中學生教育中的必要部分。研究者針對補習班英語教學方法進行探討,透過對補習班經營者、教師和補習學生進行深度訪談,來瞭解他們的相關經驗。研究結果發現,補習班經營者意透多元與另類等途徑,聘請英語教師,來提升教學的創意。至於教師的訪談發現,英語教師通過嘗試新的教學方法來幫助學生在學業方面取得更好的成績,但是這種方式存在一定的局限性。本研究印一步發現補習班教師包括來自英語國家的和非英語國家,即使某些補習班老師並未取得教師資格證書,但在學生看來比一般學校的英語任課老師更加優秀。值得注意的是,大多數學生認為補習班的教學方法與一般學校相差無幾,但是學生滿意度明顯高於主流學校英語教師。本研究進一步確認補習班因商業利益等考量,許多訊息備受保密,使得研究者難以獲得一套完整的教學方法和學生經驗。
    In an academically oriented nation, there is a realization that attending a cram school can be double-edged, as they often offer great outcomes in students’ academic achievements especially with their test scores but they can also limit students’ creative development. Unable to obtain sufficient knowledge and skills for tests in mainstream schools, students have commonly turned to cram schools for examination preparation. Educational reforms enforcing English as a main examination subject greatly diversified the possibilities for tutoring and in fact helped cram schools’ diversification. The study focuses on the phenomenon of the influx of cram schools, and how it’s no longer a supplement, but instead a necessity of a secondary student’s education in Taiwan. This study starts with investigating the cram school phenomenon, as well as to discuss the teaching methods used in English classes. Finally, data has been collected through in-depth interviews among cram school owners, teachers and former attendees to look at their experience in cram school . The results of the study shows that the cram school owners approved the necessity to enhance creative teaching through alternative methods so as hiring teachers with supplementary talents. The teacher interviews revealed that trying new approaches to teaching have helped students achieve better outcomes academically, but sometimes only to a certain extent that is why cram schools can be double-edged. The paradox of this study is the cram school teachers’ qualifications for both native and English speakers. In fact, even though they may not have any teaching qualifications, cram school teachers are described by students as being better teachers compared to the ones in regular school. Significantly, the study discovered that a majority of students find cram school teaching methods in general so as the overall experience to be more satisfactory than with mainstream school The study finally showed that gaining information about cram schooling can be difficult as there is some secrecy surrounding it. This prevented the researcher from gaining a complete picture of cram school teaching methods and students’ experience.
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