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    Title: 從臺灣塑化劑團體訴訟案檢討消費求償之機制
    The Reflection of Civil Liabilities Arising from Food Scandals: Focus on The Plasticizer Food Scandal in Taiwan
    Authors: 游惠琳
    Yu, Hui Lin
    Contributors: 黃立

    Hwang, Li
    Liu, Hung En

    Yu, Hui Lin
    Keywords: 食品安全
    Food safety
    Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP)
    Burden of proof
    Toxic tort
    Presumption of causation
    Market share liability
    Causation in Epidemiology
    Punitive damages
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-12-07 10:47:19 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 2011年5月臺灣爆發不肖業者將具有毒性之塑化劑添加入合法食品添加物─起雲劑當中,販賣給多家食品業者,用以生產各種食品及飲料,戕害國民健康。惟案件中消費者僅獲賠求償額的兩千分之一,差距甚大,明顯不如預期,更是引發社會諸多撻伐。本論文藉由上述塑化劑案件,探討食品安全消費訴訟消費者求償困境並檢討現行法的缺失與不足,以符合消費者權益保障之宗旨。
    In May, 2011 the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration reported that plasticizers, such as: di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) and di(iso-nonyl)phthalate (DINP), were illegally added to clouding agents used in foods and several beverages.The endocrine disruptors have been linked to developmental problems with children and pregnant women, etc.This paper would mainly discuss the issues of the reflection of civil liabilities arising from food scandals, particularly focus on the plasticizer food scandal in Taiwan.
    First, the author gives an overview of consumer litigation of food safety, food administration in Taiwan, and the basic of claim such as the Civil law, the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation as well as the Consumer Protection Law.Secondly, interprets the concept of civil compensationand expand the traditional concept of personal injury to risk of injury (the plaintiff has not manifested any symptoms of disease but may suffer from illness in the future) by referring to toxic tort.Thirdly, illustrates the special rules on causation in the aspect of the environmental liability law, the biotech law and the market share liability to solve the problems of the causation.Fourthly,probes the compensation scope and punitive damages. Finally,by observing court decisions on article 56 of the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation, the author analyzes the deletion of existing legal norms and suggests a proposal for law amendments.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101652018
    Data Type: thesis
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