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    Title: 以區塊鏈技術為基礎之電子發票平台研究
    A study of e-invoice system based on Blockchaintechnology
    Authors: 苗華斌
    Miau, Scott
    Contributors: 楊建民
    Yang, Jiann-Min
    Scott Miau
    Keywords: 電子發票
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-12-07 10:45:39 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 目前,因應不同需求與應用情境的各式電子發票系統已被建立。儘管電子發票系統、區塊鏈技術與其相關的文件及平台已經存在,許多研究學者及廠商仍希望推展此技術並應用於其它領域。
    Different e-invoice systems are designed to meet different needs and application scenarios. Although these systems areuseful and readily available, researchers and businesses hope to be able to expand the coverage of e-invoice systems using Blockchain technologies.
    This study proposes an e-invoice system based on Blockchain technologies which shows anotherapplication scenario of Blockchain technology and e-invoice system. First, a review of about 980 publicationson e-invoicing and Blockchain was carried outwithinformetrics used for further analysis so as to better understandthe development of e-invoice and Blockchain technologies. Second, the concepts and mechanisms of Bitcoin and Blockchain technologies were reviewed. Finally, an e-invoice system based on Ethereumwas proposed.
    The proposed system meets the six needs of an e-invoice system: integrity, authenticity, availability, auditability, non-repudiation and traceability. It is not only suitable for issuing general invoices but also can play a role in further invoicing applications such as invoice financing as well as agri-food supply chain traceability. In the future, Openchain or hybrid Blockchain infrastructure that combines public and private nodes can be consideredfor use in this proposed e-invoice system.
    Reference: Arendsen, R., & van de Wijngaert, L. (2011).Government as a Launching Customer for eInvoicing.In Electronic government (pp. 122-133).Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
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