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    政大機構典藏 > 學術期刊 > 問題と研究 > 期刊論文 >  Item 140.119/104454
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    Title: 馬英九政権下の日台関係の進展--継続性、挑戦、実務交流枠組みの形成 馬英九政權下的台日關係的進展--持續性、挑戰、務實交流架構的形成
    Other Titles: 馬英九政權下的台日關係的進展--持續性、挑戰、務實交流架構的形成(Taiwan-Japan Relations Under the Ma Administration: Long-Term Relations, Challenges, and New Strategy of Pragmatic Communication)
    Authors: 石原忠浩
    Keywords: 日本;台灣;台日關係;活路外交;務實交流;Japan;Taiwan;Taiwan-Japan relations;Flexible diplomacy;Pragmatic exchanges
    Date: 2012-06
    Issue Date: 2016-12-02 16:54:58 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 馬英九政権下の日台関係は、「活路外交」に代表される実務的な姿勢の下に進展した。馬総統は当初、日本の世論から「反日人物」ではないかとの指摘もされたが、政権発足直後に発生した「聯合号」事件の際に見せた強硬な言動は日本の各界を驚かせた。しかし、そ の後は日本との関係を「台日特別パートナーシップ」と位置づけ、実務関係の発展を推進する意向を示した。馬政権の4 年間で進展した日台関係において、際立ったのは、「継続性」、「挑戦」及び実務交流枠組みの形成プロセスであった。「継続性」は双方の良好な感情と安定した経済文化関係における民間交流である。「挑戦」は馬政権の領土、歴史認識等に対する前政権とは異なる 強硬な姿勢に戸惑わされた点。実務交流枠組みの形成プロセスは、「台日特別パートナーシップ」を発端に、2010 年4 月に取り決められた「覚書」とその後の実務関係の強化に具現化されている。この4 年間の中で日本も歴史的な政権交代を経験したが、日台関係は当初の厳しい関係から、次第に不安定な状態を脱し、安定した発展の軌道に乗った感がする。特に、東日本大震災の際の台湾社会の日本に対する思いやりと、友情は日台友好関係を更に強化するものとなっ た。 台灣政黨輪替後的台日關係在以馬政府所推行的「活路外交」為代表的務實態度下展開。由於馬總統本人當初被質疑為「反日人士」,且於「聯合號」事件發生時向日本展現的強硬態度,讓日本各界感到震撼。不久之後,馬總統提出「台日特別夥伴關係」,並且主張台日關係需要穩定地進展。馬政府四年間台日關係的進展,筆者認為格外顯著的是其「持續性」、「挑戰」以及形成務實關係的交流架構過程。「持續性」是代表雙方彼此之間擁有好感和穩定的經貿和文化交流所支撐的民間關係。「挑戰」是突顯馬政府針對領土、歷史認識對日本採取強硬的態度而衍生的變化。形成務實交流架構過程是2010年簽署的日台雙邊簽署備忘錄和後續的發展。在這四年中,雖然日本政府也經歷了歷史性的政權輪替,但是台日雙邊關係走過初期的苦難經驗,逐漸脫離不穩定的關係,似乎掌握了穩定的脈絡,逐漸邁向穩定的發展之路。尤其是東北大地震後台灣社會對日本表現的關懷和愛心更鞏固了雙邊的友好關係。After the regime change from DPP to KMT, the Ma administration initiated flexible diplomacy allowing Taiwan-Japan relations to develop more pragmatically. President Ma was initially regarded as anti-Japanese. His harsh attitude toward Japanese affairs during the sports fishing boat incidents (Lian-He incidents), shocked a lot of people in Japan. Right after that, President Ma proposed cooperation initiatives to improve Taiwan-Japan relations, expressing that `Taiwan-Japan Special Partnership` required steady and continued development. In Ma`s first term, the most significant advances in Taiwan-Japan relations were continued development, challenges, and the pragmatic interaction processes established. Continued development signifies the mutually shared favorable impressions, steady trade and cultural relations. Challenges in the Ma administration evolved from the historic disputes on territory occupation and harsh attitudes Taiwan`s historic texts have adopted toward Japan. The pragmatic communication framework developed between Taiwan and Japan comes with the 2010 MOU signed between the two countries. Despite significant regime changes in Japan, Taiwan and Japan has worked together to improve their relations over the past four years, and after initial challenges, Taiwan-Japan relations has shed the initial instability and, having gained insight into the key to stability, is on the path of gradually developing steady relations. Solidifying Taiwan-Japan relations is the support and love expressed to Japan by the general public of Taiwan immediately after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake in Japan.
    After the regime change from DPP to KMT, the Ma administration initiated flexible diplomacy allowing Taiwan-Japan relations to develop more pragmatically. President Ma was initially regarded as anti-Japanese. His harsh attitude toward Japanese affairs during the sports fishing boat incidents (Lian-He incidents), shocked a lot of people in Japan. Right after that, President Ma proposed cooperation initiatives to improve Taiwan-Japan relations, expressing that `Taiwan-Japan Special Partnership` required steady and continued development. In Ma`s first term, the most significant advances in Taiwan-Japan relations were continued development, challenges, and the pragmatic interaction processes established. Continued development signifies the mutually shared favorable impressions, steady trade and cultural relations. Challenges in the Ma administration evolved from the historic disputes on territory occupation and harsh attitudes Taiwan`s historic texts have adopted toward Japan. The pragmatic communication framework developed between Taiwan and Japan comes with the 2010 MOU signed between the two countries. Despite significant regime changes in Japan, Taiwan and Japan has worked together to improve their relations over the past four years, and after initial challenges, Taiwan-Japan relations has shed the initial instability and, having gained insight into the key to stability, is on the path of gradually developing steady relations. Solidifying Taiwan-Japan relations is the support and love expressed to Japan by the general public of Taiwan immediately after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake in Japan.
    Relation: 問題と研究,41(2),49-94
    Data Type: article
    Appears in Collections:[問題と研究] 期刊論文

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