摘要: | 2008 年、馬英九政権発足後、両岸協議が9 年ぶりに再開され、両岸関係、特に経済関係の正常化が図られた。同政権の下、観光や学生等の中国から台湾への人的移動が拡大し、2010 年の台湾訪問者は163 万人(前年比67.8%増)に増加した。2011 年1 月、中国人団体観光客の受入枠が拡大、同年9 月、中国から正規学生としての台湾就学受入が開始される等今後も更なる拡大が予想される。拡大した両岸の人的移動で注目されるのは、「人口大国」、「経済力」を背景にした「規模」、「スピード」である。馬英九政権は、経済的利益を確保するとともに、台湾訪問の中国人に台湾の現状と華人社会で初めて自由で民主的な政治、社会を実現した「ソフトパ ワー」をアピールし、中国に変化を促したい意向であるのに対し、中国側は、中国への経済依存の拡大、特に台湾内部の利益配分を左右する影響力拡大を意図している。台湾は勢いを増す中国からの「大陸風」に如何に対峙するかが問われている。 2008馬英九總統執政後,重啟中斷9年的兩岸協議,兩岸關係,特別是經濟關係也日趨正常化。馬總統執政下,由中國大陸來台觀光客及交換學生等人數大幅成長,2010年大陸人士來台人數增至163萬人(較前一年增加67.8%)。由於政府於2011年1月放寬陸客來台人數限制,9月亦即將開放陸生來台就學,預估兩岸的來往人次將會更加擴大成長。目前,兩岸人民擴大交流,因為「人口大國」、「經濟實力」背景下的「規模」、「速度」而備受矚目。馬政府在確保台灣經濟利益的同時,為能讓訪台大陸人士了解台灣現狀,並對他們展示第一個實現民主政治的自由華人社會的「軟實力」,期待中國能因此而有所變化。然而相對於此,中國則意圖擴大台灣對中國的經濟依賴,並提高左右台灣內部利益分配時之影響力。台灣正面臨如何因應實力漸增的中國之課題。Since the Ma Ying-jeou administration took office in 2008, Taiwan and China began to restart `Chiang-Chen Talk` which had been suspended for 9 years. Furthermore, cross strait relations, especially economic relations, have begun to normalize in recent years. Under Ma`s administration, the number of Chinese visitors, including students and tourists, has been steadily increasing. These visitors numbered over 1.63 million in 2010 which was a 67.8% increase from the previous year. In January 2011, Taiwan agreed to enlarge the daily capacity of Chinese group tourists. In addition, Taiwan is going to go forward in this division, for example Taiwan is going to accept more formal university and grad students from Mainland from September 2011. On movement of people in cross-straight, `scale` and `speed` will be more focused, which are based on huge population of China and big economic power of China Ma Ying-jeou intends to not only accrue economic benefit but also change mainland China by means of making an appeal of present situation of Taiwan and `soft power` of Taiwan to Chinese visitors, which is the first free and democratic area from viewpoint of politics and society in all ethnic Chinese communities around the world. On the contrary, China intends to make Taiwanese people depend on China more heavily, especially which means to extend its influence in sharing profits of Taiwan and its concerned. It is high time that Taiwan decide its attitude to growing China and its influence. Since the Ma Ying-jeou administration took office in 2008, Taiwan and China began to restart `Chiang-Chen Talk` which had been suspended for 9 years. Furthermore, cross strait relations, especially economic relations, have begun to normalize in recent years. Under Ma`s administration, the number of Chinese visitors, including students and tourists, has been steadily increasing. These visitors numbered over 1.63 million in 2010 which was a 67.8% increase from the previous year. In January 2011, Taiwan agreed to enlarge the daily capacity of Chinese group tourists. In addition, Taiwan is going to go forward in this division, for example Taiwan is going to accept more formal university and grad students from Mainland from September 2011. On movement of people in cross-straight, `scale` and `speed` will be more focused, which are based on huge population of China and big economic power of China Ma Ying-jeou intends to not only accrue economic benefit but also change mainland China by means of making an appeal of present situation of Taiwan and `soft power` of Taiwan to Chinese visitors, which is the first free and democratic area from viewpoint of politics and society in all ethnic Chinese communities around the world. On the contrary, China intends to make Taiwanese people depend on China more heavily, especially which means to extend its influence in sharing profits of Taiwan and its concerned. It is high time that Taiwan decide its attitude to growing China and its influence. |