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Title: | LINE貼圖平台雙邊市場之網路效應分析 The analysis of network effects in two-sided markets : a case of LINE sticker platform |
Authors: | 林震軒 Lin, Chen-Hsuan |
Contributors: | 鄭至甫 林震軒 Lin, Chen-Hsuan |
Keywords: | 貼圖 雙邊市場 顧客價值 交易成本 網路效應 Stickers two-sided markets theory consumer perceived value transaction cost theory network effect |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-11-14 16:25:49 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 從2012年開始,LINE貼圖的流行讓大眾對於聊天溝通有了新的體驗。從過去冷冰冰的文字,到現在有了活潑圖案的搭配使溝通的距離又更加的拉近了。據2016年LINE官方公布,全球每天平均有24億次的貼圖傳送。然而,在這穩定又龐大的貼圖平台背後,其產生的網路效應為何,是本次研究的主要重點。儘管目前已經有不少的文獻在研究貼圖這產品帶給使用者的價值,但多是以量化角度分析其所產生的價值,並以靜態方式決定使用者對貼圖的感受,而鮮少是以雙邊用戶之關係探討貼圖價值以及站在平台角度探討貼圖整體平台的網路效應分析。
本研究最後的結論分成四個層面,(1)以使用者的角度,其對於貼圖價值從不同個性及背景之使用者對實用性與形象、興趣類貼圖之期望價值不同,進而也衍生出兩種不同的選擇行為模式。(2)以插畫家的角度,則亦會依據其進入插畫家市場之期待不同而產出不一樣的價值認知。 (3)平台的設計能促成貼圖交易,是因為滿足以下幾點特性:『貼圖集中化』、『使用頻次高』、『興趣工作化』、『聊天情境的滿足』。 (4) 網路效應的整理分析後,發現貼圖使用者的人數成長主要來自同邊網路效應 ; 而插畫家的人數成長則是以跨邊網路效應為主要原因。 Since 2012, the LINE stickers raised a burst of upsurge in Asia, especially in Japan, Thailand and Taiwan. There was a new communication experience by using the LINE stickers in your instant messager. In the past, we only used text and emoji to communicate with each other. However, there would be more diversified in your way of communication after the vivid and lovely patterns become a tool in your chatroom. According to 2016 LINE public reports, there are 2.4 billion stickers sent everyday in global average. In this stable and growing fast stickers platform, the network effects in LINE sticker platform which was the most important research issuein this study.
Althought there are already a lot of researchers devoted themselves to analysis the true value of sticker users, most of them use ‘Quantitative Method‘ and static way to do the research, and never discuss about LINE sticker platform’s network effect. In term of this, the study mainly focus on analysing how sticker platform grow up by using two-sided markets theory, customer perceived value and transaction cost theory. By qualitative research and in-depth interviews, this study would start from analyzing two-sided users’s values, and ths second phase is finding out the improvement of sticker’s transaction, and finally get the results how network effect’s development derived by inference.
Through qualitative research and in-depth interviews, there are four main findings concluded by this research. First, is for sticker users, each person came from different background and personality expected different value perceived in “Interactive” and “Personal Interest” stickers, and which would result in two kinds of chosen behaviors to discuss. Second, is for illustrators, there’re three kinds of illustrators who each accompany with different reasons to devote themselves to create their owned sticker, and all their perceived value can be concluded into two main features “Recognition” and “Self-actualized”. Third, the study finds that there are four factors affect the sticker transcation, include “Stickers Centrallized”, “High Frequency”, “Turn interest into a job” and “Satisfaction of Chatting”. Last, the study demonstrated that same side network effect affect sticker users’s growing, and the cross side effect will affect the industry of illustrators’s development. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 103364112 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103364112 |
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