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    Title: 提升台灣競爭力:加台資訊科技產業合作
    Enhancing Taiwan`s Competitiveness through Canada-Taiwan ICT Industry Cooperation
    Authors: 李艾
    Stead, Ashley
    Contributors: 姜家雄
    Alex Chiang
    Ashley Stead
    Keywords: 加拿大
    Information and communications technology
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-11-14 16:23:59 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣是一個健全的資訊傳播科技產品代工樞紐,而加拿大正試圖推動資訊傳播科技的創新同時也是台灣的一個主要貿易夥伴與合作者,兩國有機會增進在資訊傳播科技的合作。本論文將評估兩國資訊傳播科技在產業、企業、政府三個層次合作的現況,目的是要發掘台灣如何能夠透過與加拿大進一步的合作,以確保台灣在資訊傳播科技產業的競爭力。論文探討下述研究問題:加拿大與台灣的進一步合作,是如何可以增進台灣在資訊傳播科技產業的創新以確保台灣的競爭力。論文以質化分析兩國的資訊傳播科技產業,來查明優勢與限制和雙方合作的現況。研究結果顯示加拿大與台灣在資訊傳播科技產業是有互補性的夥伴,並有堅實的基礎推動合作、研發與加強創新,而透過開發新的產品、服務與技術,政府與企業合作可以加強台灣資訊傳播科技產業的競爭力。
    Taiwan is an established contract hub for the manufacturing of information and communication technologies (ICT). As Canada aims to promote innovation in its ICT industry and as a major trading partner and collaborator with Taiwan, there is opportunity for both countries to increase cooperation in this industry. This thesis will assess the current level of cooperation between the two countries’ ICT industries, ICT companies and governments. The purpose is to determine how Taiwan can maintain its ICT competitiveness through enhanced Canada-Taiwan ICT industry cooperation. The following research question will be analyzed: How can enhanced ICT cooperation and collaboration in research and development between Canada and Taiwan improve innovation in Taiwan’s ICT industry in order to remain competitive? The thesis will use a qualitative analysis of both industries to determine strengths and weaknesses. Current cooperation in bilateral relations between them will be examined. Findings demonstrate that Canada and Taiwan have complementary ICT industries for partnerships and strong foundations which can promote further cooperation, research and development, and bolster innovation. Strong government level and company level cooperation will enhance Taiwan’s ICT competitiveness by creating new products, services and technologies.
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