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    Title: 創新擴散理論之應用─以財政部財政資訊共享服務平台為例
    The Application of Innovation Diffusion Theory: A Case Study of Open Data Platform of Ministry of Finance
    Authors: 霍達
    Contributors: 朱斌妤
    Pin-Yu Chu

    Keywords: 開放政府資料
    Open Government Data
    Innovation Diffusion Theory
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2016-11-14 16:19:26 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 開放政府資料能帶來龐大的經濟效益以及達到透明治理的理念,已成為電子治理最重要的議題之一,各國政府如美國、英國、加拿大無不積極推動開放政府資料政策。我國行政院亦將政府資料開放列為第四階段電子化政府計畫的項目之一,中央機關與地方政府將分別建立開放資料平台,並要求將機關所擁有之資料逐步開放予社會大眾使用。在此背景下,財政部財政資訊中心預建置財政資訊共享服務平台,來達到資料開放政策的目標。本研究目的在於該平台的推動在實務上面臨了哪些困難,後續還有哪些地方需要克服,這樣的經驗能帶給其他行政機關哪些啟示。
    Open government data (OGD) can brings great economic benefit and promotes more openness in government, it has become one of the most important issues in e-Government around the world. An open data policy was enacted by the Executive Yuan at the end of 2013, both central and local governments should gradually release their possessed data to the public. In the context of open data policy, Fiscal Information Agency, MOF tries to establish an open data platform of Ministry of Finance. However, the open data policy in Taiwan is still in a stage of sprouting, it is an innovation policy and brand new notion to many governments, the objective of this research is to analyze what obstacles does Fiscal Information Agency, MOF meet when promoting the open data platform of Ministry of Finance, and how could this experience be learned.
    First of all, the research introduces the literatures about open data. Secondly, quoting the Innovation Diffusion Theory as the conceptual framework and conducting interviews. The analysis about the works and obstacles is individually based on the phase of agenda setting, matching, redefining/restructuring, clarifying and routinizing.
    The results show the main work and obstacles including the strategy of communication, legal norms, division of labor, resistance of agency and the value of data. There are still areas of improvement for Fiscal Information Agency, MOF, such as changing the concept of colleagues, providing a tangible report about open data and the representativeness of group. The lessons from this study are expected to provide insights to the Taiwan government when it tries to engage the open data policy.
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