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    Title: 家長式領導對工作意義感的影響:工作目的與正向自我的中介效果
    The impact of paternalistic leadership on meaningfulness of work: The mediating effect of work purpose and positive self-perceptions
    Authors: 楊秉毅
    Yang, Bing-Yi
    Contributors: 林姿葶
    Lin, Tzu-Ting
    Yang, Bing-Yi
    Keywords: 家長式領導
    paternalistic leadership
    work meaningfulness
    social information processing theory
    work purpose
    positive self-perceptions
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-11-14 16:14:28 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在高工時的社會下,工作對於生活的比重愈來愈高,工作意義感對個人的重要性也與日俱增,因此,如何提升員工的工作意義感便成為了企業組織需面對的課題。過往探討工作意義感的研究顯示,除了工作特徵外,人際互動亦會對工作意義感有所影響,其中又以領導行為對於部屬工作意義感的型塑具有關鍵的重要地位。然而,對於領導行為的影響歷程,目前卻較少有量化的實徵研究出現,尤其是作為普遍於華人文化中的領導風格,家長式領導如何影響部屬的工作意義感,對華人企業主管在管理上更是格外重要。有鑑於此,本研究立基於社會訊息處理理論,探究家長式領導對於部屬工作意義感的影響,並探討工作目的與正向自我的中介效果。透過兩階段問卷施測,共收集190份有效問卷。研究結果發現仁慈領導能顯著預測工作意義感,而正向自我與工作目的在其中的中介作用則獲得部分支持。最後針對研究結果進行討論,說明理論貢獻、管理意涵、研究限制及未來研究方向。
    In modern society, employees are working longer hours than ever before. Therefore, finding meaning of work is important to employee today, and how to contribute to the perceived meaningfulness of work become a critical issue for every enterprise to face. This research model based on social information processing theory offers a theoretical approach for examining the causal effects of paternalistic leadership, a prevalent leadership style in Chinese business organizations, and the mediating role of work purpose and positive self-perceptions on subordinate meaningfulness of work. Using data form Taiwanese firms including 190 employees, results from structured equation modeling techniques supported partly our hypothesized model. Overall, this study supports and adds to the range of positive self-perceptions effects associated with paternalistic leadership and are suggestive of interventions that organizations can make to improve work meaningfulness of workers. Implications for the theory and practice of leadership are discussed.
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