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    Title: 羅馬尼亞自主路線之研究
    Authors: 關向光
    Contributors: 趙春山
    Date: 1985
    Issue Date: 2016-11-11 16:47:38 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 論文提要
    序言 壹
    圖表目次 伍
    第一章 導論1
    第二章 羅共與蘇共的早期關係15
    第一節 羅共的成立16
    第二節 一九四四年前羅共與蘇共的關係19
    第三節 羅共的奪權23
    第四節 蘇聯對羅馬尼亞的控制29
    第三章 自主路線的形成49
    第一節 國內環境因素50
    壹 羅共及其領導階層的演變50
    貳 民族主義與羅共政權合法性58
    參 工業化問題63
    第二節 國際環境因素74
    壹 南斯拉夫的先例74
    貳 赫魯雪夫的政策76
    參 中(共)蘇衝突78
    第四章 自主路線的理論基礎101
    第一節 民族103
    第二節 社會主義發展法則108
    第三節 無產階級國際主義111
    第四節 社會主義國際主義119
    第五章 自主路線的內涵145
    第一節 歷史文化方面145
    第二節 經濟方面151
    第三節 政治方面160
    第四節 軍事方面172
    第五節 自主路線的限制180
    第六章 結論209

    1 蘇聯國際關係概念型模示意圖112
    2 羅馬尼亞對外貿易分散情形,1958-72年(總貿易額百分比)157

    1 羅共黨員民族組成表,1933年22
    2 羅馬尼亞政治局成員,1945-1960年52
    3 羅馬尼亞政治局委員背景,1957年55
    4 羅共黨員人數,1944-1970年57
    5 羅馬尼亞投資類型(百分比),1949-1955年66
    6 東歐五國工業生產指數,1953-1968年71
    7 蘇聯集團工業總產值年增率,1961-1965年71
    8 保加利亞、羅馬尼亞所有翻譯作品中由俄文譯出者所佔比率,1954-1973年150
    Reference: 壹、中文
    5.世界知識手冊編輯委員會編,1957世界知識手冊,北京:世界知識出版社, 1957。
    9. Reo M. Christenson et al. (Ideologies and Modern Politics: 1975),張明貴譯,意識型態與現代政治,台北:桂冠圖書,民國70年。
    10. Robert A. Dahl (Modern Political Analysis: 1969),易君博譯,現代政治分析,台北:幼獅文化事業公司,民國66年。
    11. Milovan Djilas (The Unperfect Society: Beyond the New Class : 1969 ),葉蒼譯,不完美的社會,香港:今日世界社,民國59年。
    12. Arnold Toynbee and Veronica M. Toynbee (The Realignment of Europe : 1955 ),勞景素譯,歐洲的重組,上冊,上海:上海譯文出版社,1981年10月。
    1.尹慶耀,《羅馬尼亞的「自主化」之路》,問題與研究,五卷十二期,民國55年9月,頁55 - 61。
    2.尹慶耀,《東歐的矛盾與煩惱》,問題與研究,五卷九期,民國55年6月,頁52 - 57。
    3.尹慶耀,《多方注目下的羅馬尼亞》,問題與研究,五卷一期,民國54年10月,頁31 - 35。
    4.呂律,《論蘇羅經濟關係》,問題與研究,九卷三期,民國58年12月,頁53 - 57,52。
    5.呂律,《論蘇羅新約》,問題與研究,九卷十二期,民國59年9月,頁37 - 43。
    6.畢英賢,《力求自主的羅馬尼亞》,問題與研究,十卷八期,民國60年5月,頁57 - 61。
    7.畢英賢,《羅共首腦訪問亞洲的目的》,問題與研究,十卷十一期,民國60年8月,頁64 - 69。
    8.畢英賢,《蘇聯與東歐共黨國家的關係》,問題與研究,十七卷八期,民國67年5月,頁40 - 48。
    9.畢英賢,《經互會高峰會議》,問題與研究,廿三卷十期,民國73年7月,頁58 - 66。
    10.畢英賢,《蘇聯的東歐政策》,問題與研究,廿四卷三期,民國73年12月,頁50 - 59。
    Ⅰ Books:
    1. Adomeit, Hannes, and Robert Boardman, eds. Foreign Policy Making in Communist Countries. Farnborough, Hants.: Saxon House, 1979.
    2. Alexiev, Alex. Romania and the Warsaw Pact: The Defense Policy of a Reluctant Ally. Santa Monica, Calif.: Rand Corporation,1979.
    3. Bender, Peter. East Europe in Search of Security. Translated by S. Z. Young. London: Chatto & Windus, 1972.
    4. Braun, Aurel. Romanian Foreign Policy Since 1965: The Political and Military Limits of Autonomy. New York: Praeger, 1978.
    5. Brown, James F. The New Eastern Europe: The Khrushchev Era and After. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1966.
    6. _______ . Relations Between the Soviet Union and Its Eastern European Allies: A Survey. Santa Monica, Calif.: Rand Corporation, 1975.
    7. Brzezinski, Zbigniew K. The Soviet Bloc: Unity and Conflict, rev. & enl. ed. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1967.
    8. Burks, R. V. The Dynamics of Communism in Eastern Europe. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1961.
    9. Ceausescu, Nicolae. Builder of Modern Romania and International Statesman. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1983.
    10. Clark, Cal, and Robert L. Farlow. Comparative Patterns of Foreign Policy and Trade: The Communist Balkans in International Politics. Bloomington, Ind.: International Development Research Center, Indiana University, 1976.
    11. Couloumbis, Theodore A., and James H. Wolfe. Introduction to International Relations: Power and Justice, 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1982.
    12. Dahl, Robert A. Modern Political Analysis, 3rd ed. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1976.
    13. Dallin, David J. Soviet Foreign Policy After Stalin. New York: J. B. Lippincott, 1960.
    14. Drachkovitch, Milorad M., ed. Yearbook on International Communist Affairs 1966. Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1967.
    15. Ermarth, Friz. Internationalism, Security, and Legitimacy: The Challenge to Soviet Interests in East Europe 1964-1968. Santa Monica, Calif.: Rand Corporation, 1971.
    16. Farlow, Robert L. “Alignment and Conflict: Romanian Foreign Policy, 1958-1969.” Ph. D. dissertation, Case Western Reserve University, 1971.
    17. Fischer-Galati, Stephen, ed. Romania. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1956.
    18. ________ . The New Rumania: From People’s Democracy to a Socialist Republic. Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 1967.
    19. ________ . The Socialist Republic of Rumania. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins Press, 1969.
    20.________. Twentieth Century Rumania. New York: Columbia University Press, 1970.
    21. Floyd, David. Rumania: Russia`s Dissident Ally. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1965.
    22. Gati, Charles, ed. The international Politics of Eastern Europe. New York: Praeger, 1976.
    23. Graham, Lawrence S. Romania: A Developing Socialist State. Boulder, Colo.: Westview, 1982.
    24. Griffith, William E. Sino-Soviet Relations, 1964-1965. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1967.
    25. Holsti, K J. International Politics: A Framework for Analysis, 3rd ed. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. : Prentice-Hall, 1977.
    26. Holsti, K. J.; Miguel Monterichard: Ibrahim Msabaha; Thomas W. Robinson; Timothy Shaw; and Jacques Zylberberg. Why Nations Realign: Foreign Policy Restructuring in the Postwar World. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1982.
    27. Huntington, Samuel P. Political Order in Changing Societies. London: Yale University Press, 1968.
    28. Ionescu, Ghita. Communism in Rumania 1944-1962, London: Oxford University Press, 1964.
    29._______ . The Break-up of the Soviet Empire in Eastern Europe. Baltimore, Md.: Penguin, 1965.
    30. Jackson, Bill F. “A Study in the Ideology of a National Communism: Romanian Elite Concepts Comprising Romanian Communist Ideology as Manifested on the Domestic and International Scenes.” Ph. D. dissertation, University of Southern Mississippi, 1972.
    31. Jamgotch, Nish, Jr. Soviet-East European Dialogue: International Relations of a New Type? Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University, 1968.
    32. Jones, Christopher D. Soviet Influence in Eastern Europe: Political Autonomy and the Warsaw Pact. New York: Praeger, 1981.
    33. Jowitt, Kenneth. Revolutionary Breakthroughs and National Development: The Case of Romania, 1944-1965. Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press, 1971.
    34. Kanet, Roger E. Soviet Foreign Policy in the 1980s. New York: Praeger, 1982.
    35. Kaser, Michael. Comecon: Integration Problems of the Planned Economies, 2nd ed. London: Oxford University Press for RIIA, 1967.
    36. King, Robert R. A History of the Romanian Communist Party. Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1980.
    37. King, Robert R., and James F. Brown, eds. Eastern Europe`s Uncertain Future: A Selection of Radio Free Europe Research Reports. New York: Praeger, 1977.
    38. Kintner, William R., and Wolfgang Klaiber. Eastern Europe and European Security. New York: Dunellen, 1971.
    39. Kohn, Hans. Nationalism: Its Meaning and History. New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1965.
    40. Kubálková, V., and A. A. Cruickshank. Marxism-Leninism and Theory of International Relations. London: Rout-ledge & Kegan Paul, 1980.
    41. Lendvai, Paul. Eagles in Cobwebs: Nationalism and Communism in the Balkans. New York: Doubleday & Co., 1969.
    42 Linden, Ronald H., ed. The Foreign Policies of East Europe: New Approaches. New York: Praeger, 1980.
    43. London, Kurt, ed. Eastern Europe in Transition. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins Press, 1966.
    44. McNeal, Robert H., ed. International Relations Among Communists. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1967.
    45. Mitchell, Judson. Ideology of a Superpower: Contemporary Soviet Doctrine on International Relations. Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1982.
    46. Montias, John Michael. Economic Development in Communist Rumania Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1967.
    47. Morris, L. P. Eastern Europe Since 1945. London: Heinemann Educational Bks., 1984
    48. Nelson, Daniel N., ed. Romania in the 1980s. Boulder, Colo.: Westview, 1981.
    49. Nogee, Joseph L., and Robert H. Donaldson. Soviet Foreign Policy Since World War II. New York: Pergamon Press, 1981.
    50. Otetea, Andrei, ed. The History of the Romanian People. Translated by Eugenia Farca. New York: Twayne, 1970.
    51. Rakowska-Harmstone, Teresa, and Andrew Gyorgy, eds. Communism in Eastern Europe. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 1979.
    52. Ratiu, Ion. Contemporary Romania: Her Place in World Affairs. Richmond, England: Foreign Affairs, 1975.
    53. Rosenau, James N. The Scientific Study of Foreign Policy. New York: Free Press, 1971.
    54. Schöpflin, George, ed. The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe: A Handbook. New York: Praeger, 1970.
    55. Seton-Watson, Hugh. The East European Revolution, 3rd ed. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1956.
    56._________. From Lenin to Khrushchev: The History of World Communism, 2nd ed. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1960.
    57. _______ . Nationalism and Communism, Essays 1946-1963. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1964.
    58. _______ . Nations and States: An Enquiry into the Origins of Nations and the Politics of Nationalism. London: Methuen, 1977.
    59. Simon, Jeffrey. Cohesion and Dissension in Eastern Europe : Six Crises. New York: Praeger, 1983.
    60. Staar, Richard F. Communist Regimes in Eastern Europe, 4th ed. Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1982.
    61._______ , ed. Yearbook on International Communist Affairs 1969, 1977,1979, 1980, 1982, 1984. Stanford, Calif.,: Hoover Institution Press, 1969, 1977, 1979, 1980, 1982, 1984.
    62. Steele, Jonathan. Soviet Power: The Kremlin`s Foreign Policy- -Brezhnev to Andropov. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1983.
    63. Summerscale, Peter. The East European Predicament: Changing Patterns in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Romania. New York: St. Martin`s Press, 1982.
    64. Tampke, Jürgen. The People`s Republics of Eastern Europe. London: Croom Helm, 1983.
    65. Terry, Sarah M., ed. Soviet Policy in Eastern Europe. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1984.
    66. Triska, Jan F., ed. Constitutions of the Communist Party-States. Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University, 1968.
    67. Tsantis, Andreas C., and Roy Pepper. Romania: The Industrialization of an Agrarian Economy under Socialist Planning. Washington, D. C.: World Bank, 1979.
    68. Ulam, Adam B. Expansion and Coexistence: The History of Soviet Foreign Policy, 1917-67. New York: Praeger, 1968.
    69. Wolfe, Thomas W. Soviet Power and Europe, 1945-1970. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins Press, 1970.
    70. Wolff, Robert Lee. The Balkans in Our Time. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1956.
    71. Zwick, Peter. National Communism. Boulder, Colo.: Westview, 1983.
    Ⅱ Articles:
    1. Akino, Yutaka. “Soviet Policy in Eastern Eurcpe, 1943-1948: A Geopolitical Analysis.” East European Quarterly 17 (Sept. 1983): 257-266.
    2. Ambroz, Oton. “The Doctrine of Limited Sovereignty: Its Impact on East Europe.” East Europe 18 (May 1969): 19-24.
    3. Aspaturian, Vernon V. “The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe: The Aftermath of the Czechoslovak Invasion.” In Czechoslovakia Intervention and Impact, pp. 15-46. Edited by I. William Zartman. New York: New York University Press, 1970.
    4. Bacon, Walter. “Romanian Secret Police. ” In Terror and Communist Politics: The Role of the Secret Police in Communist States, pp. 135-154. Edited by Jonathan R. Adelman. Boulder, Colo.: Westview, 1984.
    5. Bacon, Walter M., Jr. “Romania: Neo-Stalinism in Search of Legitimacy.” Current History 80 (April 1981): 168-72, 184-85.
    6. Botoran, Constantin. “Historical Prerequisites of the August 1944 Act.” Romania Today (Bucharest), no. 6 (1984), pp. 7-8.
    7. Braham, Randolph L. “Rumania: Onto the Separate Path.” Problems of Communism 13 (May-June 1964): 14-24.
    8. _______ . “The Socialist Commonwealth`: An Appraisal.” In The U.S.S.R. after 50 Years: Promise and Reality, pp. 263-294. Edited by Samuel Hendel and Randolph L. Braham. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1967.
    9. Braun, Aurel. “Romania’s Travails.” Problems of Communism 31 (May-June 1982): 49-55.
    10. Bromke, Adam. “Polycentrism in Eastern Europe.” In The Communist States in Disarray 1965-1971, pp. 3-20. Edited by Adam Bromke and Teresa Rakowska-Harmstone. Minneapolis, Minn.: University of Minnesota Press, 1972.
    11. Brown, J. F. “Rumania Steps Out of Line.” Survey, no. 49 (1963), pp. 19-34.
    12. _______ . “Eastern Europe.” Survey, no. 54 (1965), pp. 65-88.
    13. _______ . “Romania and Bulgaria.” In The Communist States at the Crossroads: Between Moscow and Peking, pp. 106-117. Edited by Adam Bromke. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1965.
    14. _______. “Rumania Pursues Her Same Course.” The World Today 22 (April 1966): 161-171.
    15. _______ . “Rumania Today I: Towards ` Integration`.” Problems of Communism 18 (Jan.-Feb. 1969): 8-17.
    16. _______ . “Rumania`s Uphill Struggle for an Independent Role.” The World Today 29 (March 1973): 126-33.
    17. Burks, R. V. “The Communist Polities of Eastern Europe.” In Linkage Politics: Essays on the Convergence of National and International System, pp. 275-303. Edited by James N. Rosenau. New York: Free Press, 1969.
    18. _______ . “Rumania and a Theory of Progress.” Problems of Communism 21 (May-June 1972): 83-85.
    19. Campbell, John C. “Soviet Strategy in the Balkans.” Problems of Communism 23 (July-Aug. 1974): 1-16.
    20. Chaplin, Ari. “The ‘Popular War’ Doctrine in Romanian Defense Policy.” East European Quarterly 17 (Sept. 1983): 267-282.
    21. Chirot, Daniel. “Social Change in Communist Romania.” Social Forces 57 (Dec. 1978): 457-499.
    22. Clark, Cal, and Doma Bahry. “Dependent Development: A Socialist Variant.” International Studies Quarterly 27 (Sept. 1983): 271-293.
    23. Crowther, William. “Romanian Politics and the International Economy.” Orbis 28 (Fall 1984): 553-74.
    24. Daniels, R. V. “Doctrine and Foreign Policy.” In The Conduct of Soviet Foreign Policy, 2nd ed., pp. 154-164. Edited by Eric P. Hoffmann and Frederic J. Fleron, Jr. New York: Aldine, 1980.
    25. Dăscálescu, Constantin. “Turning Point in Romania`s History.” World Marxist Review 27 (Oct. 1984): 22-29.
    26. Demaitre, Edmund. “The Great Debate on National Communism.” Studies in Comparative Communism 5 (Summer-Autumn 1972): 234-57.
    27. Drozdiak, William. “Hungary Leads Eastern Europe`s Quest for Autonomy, Détente.” The Washington Post, Aug. 27, 1984.
    28. Dudlinsky, I. “The World Socialist System and International Development.” International Affairs (Moscow), no. 11 (1969), pp. 58-65.
    29. Dziewanowski, M. Kamil. “The Pattern of Rumanian Independence.” East Europe 18 (June 1969): 8-12.
    30. _______ . “Communist China arid Eastern Europe.” Survey, no. 77 (1970), pp. 59-74.
    31. Farlow, Robert L. “Romanian Foreign Policy: A Case of Partial Alignment.” Problems of Communism 20 (Nov.-Dec. 1971): 54-63.
    32._______. “Romania: The Analytical `Breakthrough`.” Newsletter on Comparative Studies of Communism 6 (Feb. 1973): 45-50.
    33._______. “Romania: The Politics of Autonomy.” Current History 74 (April 1978): 168-71, 185-86.
    34._______ . “Romania and the Policy of Partial Alignment.” In The Foreign Policies of Eastern Europe: Domestic and International Determinants, pp. 191-207. Edited by James A. Kuhlman. Leyden: Sijthoff, 1978.
    35. _______ . “Romania: Problems of Independence and Development.” In East Central Europe: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, pp. 327-348. Edited by Milorad M. Drachkovitch. Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1982.
    36. Fischer, Gabriel. “Rumania.” In The Communist States in Disarray 1965-1971, pp. 158-179. Edited by Adam Bromke and Teresa Rakowska-Harmstone. Minneapolis, Minn.: University of Minnesota Press, 1972.
    37.________ . “Romania.” In The Communist States in the Era of Détente 1971-1977, pp. 141-159. Edited by Adam Bromke and Derry Novak. Oakville, Ont.: Mosaic Press, 1979.
    38. Fischer, Mary Ellen. “Political Leadership and Personnel Policy in Romania: Continuity and Change, 1965-1976.” In World Communism at the Crossroads: Military Ascendancy, Political Economy, and Human Welfare, pp. 210-233. Edited by Steven Rosefielde. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff, 1980.
    39. _______ . “Foreign and Domestic Policy Linkage in Romania.” Problems of Communism 29 (Nov. -Dec. 1980): 81-86.
    40. Gati, Charles. “Soviet Empire: Alive But Not Well.” Problems of Communism 34 (Mar. - Apr. 1985): 73-86.
    41. Gilberg, Trond, “Ceausescu’s Romania.” Problems of Communism 23 (Jul.-Aug. 1974): 29-43.
    42. _______ . “The Communist Party of Romania.” In The Communist Parties of Eastern Europe, pp. 281-325. Edited by Stephen Fischer-Galati. New York: Colurnbia University Press, 1979.
    43. _______ . “The Regional Impact: Europe.” In The Sino-Soviet Conflict: A Global Perspective, pp. 268-294. Edited by Herbert J. Ellison. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1982.
    44. _______ . “Romania`s Growing Difficulties.” Current History 83 (Nov. 1984): 375-79, 389-91.
    45. Gill, Graeme J. “Rumania: Background to Autonomy. Survey 21 (Summer 1975): 94-113.
    46. Gitelman, Zvi, “Power and Authority in Eastern Europe.” In Change in Communist Systems, pp 235-263. Edited by Chalmers Johnson. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1970.
    47. Gross, George. “Rumania: The Fruits of Autonomy.” Problems of Communism 15 (Jan.- Feb. 1966): 16-27.
    48. Gyorgy, Andrew. “External Forces in Eastern Europe.” In The Communist States in Disarray 1965-1971, pp. 22 1-235. Edited by Adam Bromke and Teresa Rakowska- Harmstone. Minneapolis, Minn.: University of Minnesota Press, 1972.
    49. Hannum, H., and R. B. Lillich. “Concept of Autonomy in International Law.” American Journal of International Law 74 (Oct. 1980): 858-89.
    50. Herspring, Dale R. “The Warsaw Pact at 25.” Problems of Communism 29 (Sept.-Oct. 1980): 1-15.
    51. Hofmann, Paul. “Tito, Ceausescu Said to Have United Policy.” New York Times, Aug. 29, 1968.
    52. Jaster, Robert S. “The Defeat of Khrushchev`s Plan to Integrate Eastern Europe.” The World Today 19 (Dec. 1963): 514-22.
    53. Jowitt, Kenneth. “The Romanian Communist Party and the World Socialist System: A Redefinition of Unity.” World Politics 23 (Oct. 1970): 38-60.
    54. _______ . “An Organizational Approach to the Study of Political Culture in Marxist-Leninist Systems.” The American Political Science Review 68 (Sept. 1974): 1171-91.
    55. _______ . “Political Innovation in Rumania.” Survey 20 (Autumn 1974): 132-51.
    56. King, Robert R. “Rumania and the Sino-Soviet Conflict.” Studies in Comparative Communism 5 (Winter 1972): 373-393.
    57. ________ . “Autonomy and Détente: The Problems of Rumanian Foreign Policy.” Survey 20 (Spring-Summer 1974): 105-120.
    58. ________ . “Romania and the Third World” Orbis 21 (Winter 1978): 875-892.
    59. ________ . “Rumania`s Struggle for an Autonomous Foreign Policy.” The World Today 35 (July 1979): 340-348.
    60. Kirschbaum, Stanislav J. “Comecon and Political Integration in Eastern Europe.” In Soviet Foreign Policy and East-West Relations, pp. 125-143. Edited by Roger E. Kanet. New York: Pergamon Press, 1982.
    61. Korbonski, Andrzej. “Eastern Europe and the Soviet Threat.” In The Soviet Threat: Myths and Realities, pp. 66-76. Edited by Grayson Kirk and Nils H. Wessell. New York: Academy of Political Science, 1978.
    62. _______. “Eastern Europe.” In After Brezhnev: Sources of Soviet Conduct in the 1980s, pp. 290-344. Edited by Robert F. Byrnes. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 1983.
    63. Korosi-Krizsan, Sandor. “Rumania and the Comintern.” East Europe 15 (Dec. 1966): 13-15.
    64. Larrabee, F. S. “The Rumanian Challenge to Soviet Hegemony.” Orbis 17 (Spring 1973): 227-246.
    65. Laux, Jeanne Kirk. “Intra-Alliance Politics and European Détente: The Case of Poland and Rumania.” Studies in Comparative Communism 8 (Spring / Summer 1975): 98- 122
    66. Linden, Ronald H. “Romanian Foreign Policy in the 1980s: Domestic-foreign Policy Linkages.” In Foreign and Domestic Policy in Eastern Europe in the 1980s: Trends and Prospects, pp. 47-80. Edited by Michael J. Sodaro and Sharon L. Wolchik. London: Macmillan Press, 1983.
    67. Löwy, Michael. “Marxism and the National Question.” In Revolution and Class Struggle: A Reader in Marxist Politics, pp. 136-160. Edited by Robin Blackburn. Hassocks, Sussex: Harvester, 1978.
    68. Manescu, C. “Rumania in the Concert of Nations.” International Affairs 45 (Jan. 1969):1-14.
    69. Montias, J. M. “Background and Origins of the Rumanian Dispute with Comecon. ” Soviet Studies 16 (Oct. 1964): 125-151.
    70. Meyer, Alfred G. “Authority in Communist Political System.” In Political Leadership in Industrialized Societies, pp. 84-107. Edited by Lewis J. Edinger. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1967.
    71. _______. “Legitimacy of Power in East Central Europe.” In Eastern Europe in the 1970s, pp. 45-68. Edited by Sylvia Sinanian, Istvan Deak, and Peter C. Ludz. New York: Praeger, 1972.
    72. Nelson, Daniel N. “Developing Socialism and Worker-Party Conflict.” In Developed Socialism in the Soviet Bloc: Political Theory and Political Reality, pp. 61-78. Edited by Jim Seroka and Maurice D. Simon. Boulder, Colo.: Westview, 1982.
    73. _______. “Reconizing Complexity in Eastern Europe: A Case for a Policy of Differentiation among Communist States.” Asian Perspective 8 (Spring-Summer 1984): 67-84.
    74. Popescu, Dumitru. “Creative Development of the Revolutionary Theory.” Romania Today (Bucharest), no. 4 (1983), pp. 7-8.
    75. Potter, William C. “Innovation in East European Foreign Policies.” In The Foreign Policies of Eastern Europe: Domestic and International Determinants, pp. 253-302. Edited by James A. Kuhlman. Leyden: Sijthoff, 1978.
    76. Radu, Michael. “Romania and the Third World: The Dilemmas of a `Free Rider`.” In Eastern Europe and the Third World: East vs. South, pp. 235-272. Edited by Michael Radu. New York: Praeger, 1981.
    77. Rakowska-Harmstone, Teresa. “`Socialist Internationalism` and Eastern Europe-- A New Stage.” Survey 22 (Winter 1976 ): 38-54.
    78. _______ . “`Socialist Internationalism` : Part II.” Survey 22 (Spring 1976): 81-86.
    79. Reich, Kenneth. “For Romanians, Gold Medals Came Second, Los Angeles Times, Aug. 10, 1984.
    80. Rubinstein, Alvin Z. “Soviet Policy in Europe.” Current History 73 (Oct. 1977): 105-108, 132.
    81. Sancton, Thomas A. “A New Nyet from Moscow.” Time, Sept. 17, 1984.
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    84. _______ . “Rumania`s Blind Alley.” The World Today 38 (April 1982): 148-153.
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    89. Shelton, Anita K. “A Bibliographic Essay on National Communism and the Polish October.” East European Quarterly 17 (Sept. 1983): 283-298.
    90. Skilling, H. Gordon. “The Crisis in Eastern Europe Communism: National and International.” International Journal 39 (Spring 1984): 429-455.
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    92. Socor, Vladimir. “The Limits of National Independence in the Soviet Bloc: Rumania`s Foreign Policy Reconsidered.” Orbis 20 (Fall 1976): 701-732.
    93. Staar, Richard F. “Soviet Relations with East Europe.” Current History 74 (April 1978): 145-49, 184-85.
    94. Sullivan, Scott, and Debbie Seward. “Testing the Kremlin`s Limits.” Newsweek, Oct. 29, 1984.
    95. Summerscale, Peter. “ Eastern Europe in the Wake of Afghanistan.” The World Today 36 (May 1980): 172-179.
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    97. Tismaneanu, Vladimir. “The Ambiguity of Romanian National Communism.” Telos, no. 60( 1984), pp. 65-79.
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    Ⅲ Government Publications, Magazines, and Newspapers:
    1. Business Eastern Europe, 1984.
    2. The Current Digest of the Soviet Press, April 1982.
    3. The Economist, November 1984.
    4. United States, Department of State. Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: USSR & East Europe, 1967-1970.
    5. Intelligence Digest, 1984.
    6. New York Times, March 1970.
    7. Newsweek, May 1985.
    8. Supplement to the Romania Today (Bucharest), 1983-1984.
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    Data Type: thesis
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