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Almond, Gabriel A. &, James S. Coleman & Lucian W. Pye, Politics in the USSR, 2nd ed. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, Inc., 1972. 2. Barron, John, KGB The Secret Work of Soviet Secret Agents ,New York: The Reader’s Digest Association, Inc., 1974. 3. Bass, Robert and Elizabeth Marbury (eds.), The Soviet-Yugoslavia Controversy, 1948-1958 : A Documentary Record , New York: Prespect Books , 1959. 4. Braham, Randolph L. (ed.), Soviet Politics and Government, A Reader, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1965 . 5. Cline, Ray S., Secrets Spies and Scholars-Blueprint of the Essential C. I. A. Washington D. C. :Acropolis Books LTD., 1976. 6. Clubb, Oliver E. Jr., The United States and the Sino-Soviet Bloc in the Southeast Asia, Washington D. C.: The Brookings Institute, 1962. 7. Crankshaw, Edward, Khrushchev : A Career , New York : The Viking Press, 1966. 8. Documents On American Foreign Policy, 1961, New York: Council on Foreign Relations,1962. 9. Domes, Jurgen, The Internal Politics of China, 1949-1972 , New York: Praeger Publishers, 1971. 10. Fejto, Francois, A History of the People’s Democracies: Eastern Europe Since Stalin New York: Praeger Publishers, 1971. 11. Fontaine, Andre, History of the Cold War: From the Korean War to the Present., New York: Random House, 1969. 12. Fryer, Peter, Hungarian Tragedy , London : Dennis Dobson, 1956. 13. Gallis, Helmut G., China: Confucian and Communist , New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1959. 14. Gittings, John, Survey of the Sino-soviet Disputes: A Comentary & Extracts from the Recent Polemics, 1963-1967 , London: OxFord Univ. Press, 1968. 15. Griffith, William E., Albania and the Sino-Soviet Rift , Cambridge, Massachusetts: The M. I. T. Press, 1963. 16. Halperin, Morton H. and Dwignt H. Perkins, Communist China and Arms Control,Cambridge, Mass: East Asian Research Center, 1965. 17. Horelick, Arnold L. and Myron Rush, Strategic Power and Soviet Foreign Policy , Chicago: The Univ. of Chicago Press, 1966. 18. Jangotch, Nish JR., Soviet-European Dialogue : International Relations of a New Type. Standford Univ: The Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, 1968. 19. Lasky, Melvin J., (ed.) the Hungarian Revolution New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1957. 20. Leonhard, Wolfgang, Three Faces of Marxism: The Political Concepts of Soviet Ideology, Maoism and Humanist Marxism , New York: Capricorn Books, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1974. 21. Levytsky, Boris, the Uses of Terror : The Soviet Secret Police, 1917-1970. New York: Coward, Mc Cann & Geoghegam, Inc., 1972. 22. Macridis, Roy C. & Robert E. Ward, Modern Political Systems : Europe, 2nd ed., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1968. 23. Mc Bride, James H., The Test Ban Treaty , Chicago: Henry Regnery Company, 1967. 24. Mehnert, Klaus, Peking and Moscow , New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1963. 25. Nixon, Richard M., Leaders , New York: Warner Books, Inc., 1982. 26. Oswald, J. Gregory, The Soviet Union and Latin America , New York, Washington: Praeger Publishers, 1970. 27. Overstreet, Harry and Bonaro, The War Called Peace . New York: Berkley Publishing Corporation, 1964. 28. Overstreet, Harry and Bonaro, What We Must Know about Communism, New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1958. 29. Ranney, Austin, Governing: A Brief Introduction to Political Science, 2nd ed., 台北:馬陵出版社翻印,一九七五。 30. Reshetar, John S. JR., The Soviet Polity: Government and Politics in the USSR. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, Inc., 1971. 31. Rubinstein, Alvin Z., the Foreign Policy of the Soviet Union ,New York: Random House, 1960. 32. Rush, Myron, political Succession in the USSR. 2nd ed., New York : Columbia University Press, 1960. 33. Schlesinger, Arthur M. (ed), Dynamics of World Power, Documentary History of U.S. Foreign Policy 1945-1973. New York: Chelsea House Publishers in Association with McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1973. 34. Schwarz, Urs, Confrontation and Intervention in the Modern World , Dobbs Ferry, New York: Oceana Publication Inc., 1970. 35. Stebbins, Richard P., The United States in World Affairs, 1957 , New York: Jarper & Brothers, 1958. 36. Sprout, Harold and Margaret, Foundations of Intrnational Politics , New York: D. Van Nostrand Company Inc., 1963. 37. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Russia and the Soviet Union , London: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1982. 38. Triska, Jan F. and David D. Finley, Soviet Foreign policy , New York, 1968. 39. Talbott, Strobe (trans.) Khrushchev Remembers , New York: Little Brown & Co., 1970. 40. Zagoria, Donald S., The Sino-Soviet Conflict, 1956-1961, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton Univ, Press, 1962. 英文期刊: 1. Current Digest of Soviet Prese. 2. East-West Digest. 3. Foreign Affairs. 4. CRBIS. 5. Survey. |