Reference: | 中文部份: 1.黃俊英著「行銷研究」,華泰書局,民國七十一年十月再版。 2.張逸民著「行銷策略」,輔仁大學管理學院,民國七十一年四月出版。 3.高熊飛譯「行銷管理」,華泰書局,民國七十一年二月再版。 4.賴耿陽譯「實用塗料及塗裝」,復漢出版社,民國七十年十月出版。 5.「工業行銷縱橫談」,三越出版社,民國六十八年三月出版。 6.「化學工業產業調查」,中華徵信所,民國七十三年出版。 7.「油漆塗料公會日本考察團報告書」,油漆塗料公會,民國七十二年十二月。 8.陳正男著,「鋼鐵機械產品購買行為及行銷策略」,政治大學企業管理研究所碩士論文,民國六十九年六月。 9.劉家豫著,「我國個人電腦消費者購買行為及行銷策略之研究」,政治大學企業管理研究所碩士論文,民國七十三年六月。 西文部份 1. D. R. Lehmann and J. O`shaughnessy, "Difference in Attribute Importance for Different Industrial Products," Journal of Marketing (April, 1974) 2. Eric A. Von Hippel, "Users as Innovators", Technology Review, (January 1978). 3. F. E. Webster, Jr. "The Role of the Industrial Distributor in Marketing Strategy" Journal of Marketing (October, 1976). 4. Frederick E. Webster, Jr. and Yoram Wind "A General Model for Understanding Organizational Buying Behavior," Journal of Marketing (April 1972) 5. Frederick E. Webster, Jr. and Yoram Wind "Organizational Buying Behavior," (Engle Wood Cliffs, N.J. 1972) 6, Freol R. Messner "A system Approach to Industrial Marketing Communications" Journal of Marketing (October, 1964) 7. Jagdish N. Sheth, "A Model of Industrial Buyer Behavior," Journal of Marketing, (Oct. 1973) 8. Jean-Marie Choffary and Gary L. Lilien, "Assessing Response to Industrial Marketing Strategy" Journal of Marketing (April 1978) 9. Kent B. Monroe "Buyer`s Subjective Perceptions of Price, "Journal of Marketing Research, (February, 1973) 10. Murphy A. Sewall, "A Decision Calculus Model for Contract Bioloing," Journal of Marketing (October, 1976) 11. Patrick J. Robisou, Charles W. Faris, and Yoram Winol, "Industrial Buying and Creat`ve Marketing," Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1967. 12. Robert W. Haas "Industrial Marketing Management" Kent Publishing Company, 1982. 13. R.G. Cooper. "The Dimensions of Industrial New Product Success And Failure." Journal of Marketing (Summer 1979) 14. R.N. Cardozo and J. W. Cagley, "Experimental Study of Industrial Buyer Behavior," Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 8, (August, 1971). 15. Robert E. Spekman & Louis U. Stern "Environmental Uncertainty and Buying Group Structure", Journal of Marketing (Spring 1979). 16. Theodore Levitt "Communications and Industrial Selling" Journal of Marketing (April, 1967) 17. Urban B. Ozanne and Gilbert A. Churchill, "Five Dimensions of the Industrial Adoption Process," Journal of Marketing Research, (August 1971). 18. William D. Perreault and Fredrick A. Russ. "Physical Distribution Service in industrial purchase Decisions" Journal of Marketing (April, 1976) 19. William E. Cox, JR. "Industrial Marketing Research", John Wiley & Sons Inc. 1979. 20. William G. Browne and E. D. Reiten "Auditing Distribution Channels" Journal of Marketing (July 1978) 21. William E. Cox, Jr. "Industrial Marketing Research" John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1979. 22. Yoram Wind, John F. Grashof & Joel D. Goldhar "Market-Based Guildlines for Design of Marketing" Journal of Marketing (January 1978). |