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Milbrath, Lester W. and M. L. Goel. Political Participation. 2nd ed. Chicago, Illinois: Rand Mcnally College Publishing Company, 1976. 57. Nachimias, David and Chava Nachimias, Research Methods in the Social Sciences, 2nd ed . New York: St. Martin`s Press, 1981. 58. NaKamura, Robert T. & Frank Smallwood. The Politics of Policy Implementation. N.Y.: St. Martin’s Press, Inc., 1980. 59. Nordlinger, Eric A. Conflict Regulations in Divided Societies Harvard Press, 1972. 60. Norman H. Nie et al. Satistical Package for the Social Science, 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill, 1975. 61. Palmer, Monte. The Dilemmas of Political Development. Illinois: F. E., Peacock Publishers Inc., 1973. 62. Pye, Lucian W. ed Communications and Political Development. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1963. 63. Pye, Lucian W. Politics, Personality and Nation-Building: Burma’s Search for Identity. Yale University Press, 1962. 64. ______ Aspects of Political Development. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1966. 65. Pye, Lucian W. and Sidney Verba eds. Political Culture and Political Development. New York: Princeton Press, 1965. 66. Ranney, Austin. Governing: A Brief Introduction to Political Science, 2nd ed. Illinois: The Dryden Press, 1975. 67. Robinson, James A. ed. Political Science Annual: An International Review. Vol.3. Bobbs-Merrill Company Inc., 1972. 68. Rossi, P.H. et al. Evaluation: A Systematic Approach. Beverly Hills; Sage Publications, 1979. 69. Russett, Bruce M. International Regions and the Interational System: A Study in Political Ecology. Chicago: Rand Mcnally, 1967. 70.______, Power and Community in World Politics. W.H. Freeman and Company, 1974. 71. Russett, Bruce M. et al. eds. From National Development to Global Community. London: G. Allen Unwin, 1981. 72. Rustow, Dankwart A. A World of Nations: Problems of Political Modernization. Washinton D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1967. 73. Selltiz, Claire et al. Research Methods in Social Relations. Revised One-Volumed Edition. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971. 74. Smock, David K. and Kwamena Bentsi-Enchill eds. The Search for National Integation in Africa. New York: The Free Press, 1976. 75. Spicer, Edward H. Perspectives in American Indian Cultural Change. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1969. 76. Weiss, Carol H. Evaluation Research. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentices-Hail Inc., 1972. 77. Welch, Claude E. Jr. ed. Political Modernization: A Reader in Comparative Political Change, 2d ed. Wadsworth Publishing Company Inc., 1971. 78.小川尚義。原語による台灣高砂族傳說集。台北帝國大學語言研究室,昭和十年,一九三五。 79.伊能嘉矩著。台灣蕃政志,複刻版印行。祥生出版社,民國六十二年。 80.伊能嘉矩編。台灣志,卷一。祥生出版社,民國六十二年。 81.岩田慶治著。東南アヅアの少歡民族。文昌堂,昭和五十五年。 82.移川子之藏 宮木延一、馬淵東一合著。高砂族系統所屬の研究,二冊。台北帝國大學士俗人類學研究室調查,昭和十年二月二十日。 83.鈴木作太郎。台灣の蕃族研究。台灣史籍刊行會,昭和七年九月十六日印刷。 (II) Periodical 1. Ake, Claude. "Political Integration and Political Stability-A Hypothesis". World Politics, Vol. XIV No.3, April 1967. 2. Beaudry, James A. "The Melting Pot-Myth or Reality: The Assimilation of Chinese in the United States" Journal of Sociology, National Taiwan University, No.9, July 1979. 3. Binder, Leonard. "National Integration and Political Development" American Political Science Review, Vol. LVIII, No. 3, Sep. 1964. 4. Birch, Anthong H. "Minority Nationalist Movement and Political Integration" World Politics, No. 3, April 1978. 5. Buchmann, Jean. "Regional Integration: A Factor of Mutuation in the World System", Paper Presented at the Conference on Northeast Asian and European Relations: New Dimensions and Strategies. Taipei: December 13-14, 1983. 6. Caporaso, James A. "Theory and Method in the Study of International Integration" International Organization. Vol. 25, 1971. 7. CHANC WEN-LUNG. "A Preliminary Theory of Political Integration", National Taiwan University Journal of Sociology, No. 5, April 1969. 8. Chen, H. T. and P. H. Rossi. "The Multi-Goal, Theory- Driven Approach to Evaluations: A Model Linking Basic and Applied Social Sciences" Social Forces, Vol. 59, No. 1, Sep. 1980. 9. ______ "Evaluating with Sense, The Theory-Driven Approach" Evaluation Review. Vol. 7, No 3, 1983. 10. Coleman, James S. "The Problem of Political Integration in Emergent Africa" The Western Political Quarterly. Vol. 8, No.1, 1955. 11. Connor, Walker. "Nation-Building or Nation-Destroying" World Politics. Vol. XXIV, April 1972. 12. Deutsch, Karl W. "Social Mobilization and Political Development" in J.L. Finkle and R.W. Gable eds. Political Development and Social Change. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1968. 13.______ "The Growth of Nations: Some Recurrent Patterns of Political and Social Integration". World Politics. Vol. 5, 1953. 14. De Vos, George A. & Hsu Mutsu. "Minority Status and Coping Strategies: An Illustration From Korean Japanese and Taiwanese Aborigines", Paper Presented at the International Conference on China Border Area Studies, National Chengshi University, Taipei, April 23-30, 1984. 15. Encyclopaedia of Social Sciences, Vol.11, S.V. "Native Policy" by Edwin R.A. Seligman. New York: Macmillan Co., 1933. 16. Etzioni, Amitai. "A Paradigm for Study of Political Unification" World Politics, Vol. XV, Oct. 1962. 17. Fisher, William E. “An Analysis of the Deutsch Sociocausal Paradigm of Political Integration” International Organization, XXIII, No.2, 1969. 18. Foster, Charles K. “Political Culture and Regional Ethnic Minorities” The Journal of Politics, Vol.44, No.2, May 1982. 19. Glynn, Leonard et. al. “The Vanishing Tribals”. Newsweek. September 21, 1981. 20. Goldman, R.M. “A Transanction Theory of Political Integration and Arm Control.” American Political Science Review, Vol. 63, No.3, Sept. 1969. 21. Horowitz, Donald L. “Three Dimensions of Ethnic Politics World Politics, Vol. XXIII, No.2, Jan. 1971. 22. Huntington, Somuel P. and Jorge I. Dominguez. “Political Development.” in Fred I. Greenstein and Nelson W. Polsby eds. Handbook of Political Science, Macropolitical Theory Vol 3, Ma: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1975. 23. Katzenstein, Peter J. “Hare and Tortoise: The Race Toward Integration” International Organization, Vol .25, 1971. 24. Keohane, R.O. and Joseph S. Nye, Jr. “International Interdependence and Integration” in F. I. Greenstein and N.W. Polsby eds. Handbook of Political Science, Vol. 8, International Politics. Ma: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1975. 25. Land, C. Kenneth. “Theories, Models, and Indicators of Social Change” International Social Science Journal, Vol. 27. 26. Lijphart, Arend. “Cultural Diversity and Theories of Political Integration” Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol. IV, No.1, March 1971. 27. Macgaffey, Wyatt. “The Policy of National Integration in Zaire” The Journal of Modern African Studies Vol. 2O, No. 1, 1982 28. Morrison, D.G. and H.M. Stevenson. “Integration and Instability: Pattern of Afican Political Development” American Political Science Review. Vol. 66, 1972. 29. Nye, J.S. “Comparative Regional Integration: Concept and Measurement” International Organization II, Autumn 1968. 30. Rivkin, Arnold. “The Politics of Nation-Building: Problems and Preconditions” in Harvey G. Kebschull ed. Politics in Transitional Societies: The Challenge of Change in Africa, Asia & Latin America. New York: Meridith Corporation, 1968. 31. Sjamsuddin, Nazaruddin. “Regionalism and National Integration in Indonesia: The Acehnese Experience”, Papers given at the annual set of public lectures on Indonesia, Organised jointly by the Australia-Indonesia Association and the Centre of Southeast Asian Studies, Prior to Indonesian Independence Day, August 1978. 32. Snider, Nancy L. "Is National Integration Necessarry ? The Malaysian Case " Journal of International Affairs, Vol.27, No.1. 33. Weiner, Myron. “Political Integration and Political Development” The Annals of American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, No. 358, March 1965. 34. Wriggins, Howard. “National Integration” in Myron Weiner ed. Modernization: The Dynamic of Growth. Voices of America Forum Series, 1977. 35.______ “Impediments to Unity in New Nations: The Case of Celon” American Political Science Review. Vol.55. 36. Zolberg, Aristide R. “Mass Parties and National Integration: The Case of The Ivory Coast” The Journal of Politics, Vol 25, No.1, Feb. 1963. 51. Liddle, R. William. Ethnicity, Party and National Integration-An Indonesian Case Study. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1970. 52. Lipset, S. M. Political Man, New York: Anchor Books, 1963. 53. Max, M.L. Indian Americans: Unity and Diversity. Englewood: Prentice-Hall, 1971. 54. Mcalister, John T. Jr. ed. Southeast Asia: The Politics of National Integration. New York: Random House, Inc., 1973. 55. Mclaurin, R.D. ed. The Political Role of Minority Group in the Middle East. New York: Praeger, 1979. 56. Milbrath, Lester W. and M. L. Goel. Political Participation. 2nd ed. Chicago, Illinois: Rand Mcnally College Publishing Company, 1976. 57. Nachimias, David and Chava Nachimias, Research Methods in the Social Sciences, 2nd ed . New York: St. Martin`s Press, 1981. 58. NaKamura, Robert T. & Frank Smallwood. The Politics of Policy Implementation. N.Y.: St. Martin’s Press, Inc., 1980. 59. Nordlinger, Eric A. Conflict Regulations in Divided Societies Harvard Press, 1972. 60. Norman H. Nie et al. Satistical Package for the Social Science, 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill, 1975. 61. Palmer, Monte. The Dilemmas of Political Development. Illinois: F. E., Peacock Publishers Inc., 1973. 62. Pye, Lucian W. ed Communications and Political Development. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1963. 63. Pye, Lucian W. Politics, Personality and Nation-Building: Burma’s Search for Identity. Yale University Press, 1962. 64. ______ Aspects of Political Development. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1966. 65. Pye, Lucian W. and Sidney Verba eds. Political Culture and Political Development. New York: Princeton Press, 1965. 66. Ranney, Austin. Governing: A Brief Introduction to Political Science, 2nd ed. Illinois: The Dryden Press, 1975. 67. Robinson, James A. ed. Political Science Annual: An International Review. Vol.3. Bobbs-Merrill Company Inc., 1972. 68. Rossi, P.H. et al. Evaluation: A Systematic Approach. Beverly Hills; Sage Publications, 1979. 69. Russett, Bruce M. International Regions and the Interational System: A Study in Political Ecology. Chicago: Rand Mcnally, 1967. 70.______, Power and Community in World Politics. W.H. Freeman and Company, 1974. 71. Russett, Bruce M. et al. eds. From National Development to Global Community. London: G. Allen Unwin, 1981. 72. Rustow, Dankwart A. A World of Nations: Problems of Political Modernization. Washinton D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1967. 73. Selltiz, Claire et al. Research Methods in Social Relations. Revised One-Volumed Edition. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971. 74. Smock, David K. and Kwamena Bentsi-Enchill eds. The Search for National Integation in Africa. New York: The Free Press, 1976. 75. Spicer, Edward H. Perspectives in American Indian Cultural Change. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1969. 76. Weiss, Carol H. Evaluation Research. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentices-Hail Inc., 1972. 77. Welch, Claude E. Jr. ed. Political Modernization: A Reader in Comparative Political Change, 2d ed. Wadsworth Publishing Company Inc., 1971. 78.小川尚義。原語による台灣高砂族傳說集。台北帝國大學語言研究室,昭和十年,一九三五。 79.伊能嘉矩著。台灣蕃政志,複刻版印行。祥生出版社,民國六十二年。 80.伊能嘉矩編。台灣志,卷一。祥生出版社,民國六十二年。 81.岩田慶治著。東南アヅアの少歡民族。文昌堂,昭和五十五年。 82.移川子之藏 宮木延一、馬淵東一合著。高砂族系統所屬の研究,二冊。台北帝國大學士俗人類學研究室調查,昭和十年二月二十日。 83.鈴木作太郎。台灣の蕃族研究。台灣史籍刊行會,昭和七年九月十六日印刷。 (II) Periodical 1. Ake, Claude. "Political Integration and Political Stability-A Hypothesis". World Politics, Vol. XIV No.3, April 1967. 2. Beaudry, James A. "The Melting Pot-Myth or Reality: The Assimilation of Chinese in the United States" Journal of Sociology, National Taiwan University, No.9, July 1979. 3. Binder, Leonard. "National Integration and Political Development" American Political Science Review, Vol. LVIII, No. 3, Sep. 1964. 4. Birch, Anthong H. "Minority Nationalist Movement and Political Integration" World Politics, No. 3, April 1978. 5. Buchmann, Jean. "Regional Integration: A Factor of Mutuation in the World System", Paper Presented at the Conference on Northeast Asian and European Relations: New Dimensions and Strategies. Taipei: December 13-14, 1983. 6. Caporaso, James A. "Theory and Method in the Study of International Integration" International Organization. Vol. 25, 1971. 7. CHANC WEN-LUNG. "A Preliminary Theory of Political Integration", National Taiwan University Journal of Sociology, No. 5, April 1969. 8. Chen, H. T. and P. H. Rossi. "The Multi-Goal, Theory- Driven Approach to Evaluations: A Model Linking Basic and Applied Social Sciences" Social Forces, Vol. 59, No. 1, Sep. 1980. 9. ______ "Evaluating with Sense, The Theory-Driven Approach" Evaluation Review. Vol. 7, No 3, 1983. 10. Coleman, James S. "The Problem of Political Integration in Emergent Africa" The Western Political Quarterly. Vol. 8, No.1, 1955. 11. Connor, Walker. "Nation-Building or Nation-Destroying" World Politics. Vol. XXIV, April 1972. 12. Deutsch, Karl W. "Social Mobilization and Political Development" in J.L. Finkle and R.W. Gable eds. Political Development and Social Change. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1968. 13.______ "The Growth of Nations: Some Recurrent Patterns of Political and Social Integration". World Politics. Vol. 5, 1953. 14. De Vos, George A. & Hsu Mutsu. "Minority Status and Coping Strategies: An Illustration From Korean Japanese and Taiwanese Aborigines", Paper Presented at the International Conference on China Border Area Studies, National Chengshi University, Taipei, April 23-30, 1984. 15. Encyclopaedia of Social Sciences, Vol.11, S.V. "Native Policy" by Edwin R.A. Seligman. New York: Macmillan Co., 1933. 16. Etzioni, Amitai. "A Paradigm for Study of Political Unification" World Politics, Vol. XV, Oct. 1962. 17. Fisher, William E. “An Analysis of the Deutsch Sociocausal Paradigm of Political Integration” International Organization, XXIII, No.2, 1969. 18. Foster, Charles K. “Political Culture and Regional Ethnic Minorities” The Journal of Politics, Vol.44, No.2, May 1982. 19. Glynn, Leonard et. al. “The Vanishing Tribals”. Newsweek. September 21, 1981. 20. Goldman, R.M. “A Transanction Theory of Political Integration and Arm Control.” American Political Science Review, Vol. 63, No.3, Sept. 1969. 21. Horowitz, Donald L. “Three Dimensions of Ethnic Politics World Politics, Vol. XXIII, No.2, Jan. 1971. 22. Huntington, Somuel P. and Jorge I. Dominguez. “Political Development.” in Fred I. Greenstein and Nelson W. Polsby eds. Handbook of Political Science, Macropolitical Theory Vol 3, Ma: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1975. 23. Katzenstein, Peter J. “Hare and Tortoise: The Race Toward Integration” International Organization, Vol .25, 1971. 24. Keohane, R.O. and Joseph S. Nye, Jr. “International Interdependence and Integration” in F. I. Greenstein and N.W. Polsby eds. Handbook of Political Science, Vol. 8, International Politics. Ma: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1975. 25. Land, C. Kenneth. “Theories, Models, and Indicators of Social Change” International Social Science Journal, Vol. 27. 26. Lijphart, Arend. “Cultural Diversity and Theories of Political Integration” Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol. IV, No.1, March 1971. 27. Macgaffey, Wyatt. “The Policy of National Integration in Zaire” The Journal of Modern African Studies Vol. 2O, No. 1, 1982 28. Morrison, D.G. and H.M. Stevenson. “Integration and Instability: Pattern of Afican Political Development” American Political Science Review. Vol. 66, 1972. 29. Nye, J.S. “Comparative Regional Integration: Concept and Measurement” International Organization II, Autumn 1968. 30. Rivkin, Arnold. “The Politics of Nation-Building: Problems and Preconditions” in Harvey G. Kebschull ed. Politics in Transitional Societies: The Challenge of Change in Africa, Asia & Latin America. New York: Meridith Corporation, 1968. 31. Sjamsuddin, Nazaruddin. “Regionalism and National Integration in Indonesia: The Acehnese Experience”, Papers given at the annual set of public lectures on Indonesia, Organised jointly by the Australia-Indonesia Association and the Centre of Southeast Asian Studies, Prior to Indonesian Independence Day, August 1978. 32. Snider, Nancy L. "Is National Integration Necessarry ? The Malaysian Case " Journal of International Affairs, Vol.27, No.1. 33. Weiner, Myron. “Political Integration and Political Development” The Annals of American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, No. 358, March 1965. 34. Wriggins, Howard. “National Integration” in Myron Weiner ed. Modernization: The Dynamic of Growth. Voices of America Forum Series, 1977. 35.______ “Impediments to Unity in New Nations: The Case of Celon” American Political Science Review. Vol.55. 36. Zolberg, Aristide R. “Mass Parties and National Integration: The Case of The Ivory Coast” The Journal of Politics, Vol 25, No.1, Feb. 1963. |