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    Title: 新加坡的政治發展
    Authors: 林幸瑩
    Contributors: 江炳倫
    Date: 1984
    Issue Date: 2016-11-08 16:30:19 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 論文提要
    第一章 緒論1
    第一節 研究的動機與態度1
    第二節 題目的界定與架構的提出2
    第二章 地理環境與歷史背景11
    第一節 地理環境11
    第一項 位置11
    第二項 地形12
    第三項 資源13
    第四項 結語14
    第二節 歷史背景15
    第一項 古代的新加坡15
    第二項 英國的殖民統治17
    第三項 日本的佔領及自治22
    第四項 獨立29
    第三章 國家認同與政治權威的問題47
    第一節 多元種族社會的國家認同47
    第一項 多元種族社會之成立及其早期的發展47
    第二項 認同觀念的轉變 57
    第三項 認同感的建立64
    第四項 結語74
    第二節 政治權威的合法性79
    第一項 政治穩定的獲致80
    第二項 權威的本質87
    第三項 權威的承續100
    第四章 行政能力、政治參與及經濟餅的加大和分享117
    第一節 行政能力與政治參與117
    第一項 文官的動員118
    第二項 基層動員參與的媒介122
    (一) 人民協會122
    (二) 公民諮詢委員會140
    (三) 居民委員會142
    第三項 行政角色與政治角色的不平衡145
    第二節 經濟餅的加大和分享149
    第一項 經濟的回顧150
    第二項 階級社會168
    第三項 意識形態的調整172
    第四項 國宅政策175
    第五章 穩定與變遷--結論193
    Reference: (一)中文部分
    (3)人民行動黨 1954-1979:慶祝建黨二十五周年紀念輯。新加坡:人民行動黨中央執行委員會,一九七九年。
    (14)杭廷頓(Samuel P. Huntington)原著,江炳倫,張世賢,張鴻瑜合譯,轉變中社會的政治秩序。台北:黎明文化事業公司,民國七十年六月。
    (29)楊建成,馬來西亞華人的困境--西馬來西亞華巫政治關係之探討 1957-1978。台北:文史哲出版社,民國七十一年二月。
    (31)拿督士里馬哈迪(Datuk Seri Mahatir-bin Mo-hammed)原著,劉鑑詮譯,馬來人之困境。新加坡:世界書局,一九八一年。
    (9) 張文蔚著,吳民佑譯,「新加坡的憲法、政治與政黨」。東亞季刊,第一卷第三期,民國五十九年一月一日。
    (二) 英文部分
    甲、一般著作 (General Reference Books )
    (1) Bedlington , Stanley S., Malaysia and Singapore :The Building of New States. London: Cornell University Press, 1978.
    (2) Bellows , Thomas J., The People`s Action Party of Singapore : Emergence of a Dominant Party System. New Haven : Yale University Press , 1973.
    (3) Binder, Leonard et. al., eds., Crises and Sequences in Political Development . Princeton University Press , 1971.
    (4) Butwell, Richard , Southeast Asia: A Political Introduction0 New York : Praeger Publishers, Inc., 1975.
    (5)Betts , Russell Henry , Multiracialism, Meritocracy and the Malays of Singapore. Ann Arbor : Universities Microfilms International , 1981.
    (6) Busch , Peter A., Legitimacy and Ethnicity: A Case Study of Singapore. Lexington : D.C. Heath & Co., 1974.
    (7) Busch , Peter A., Political Unity and Ethnic Diversity : A Case Study of Singapore. Ann Arbor : Universities Microfilms International, 1981.
    (8) Buchanan, lain , Singapore in Southeast Asia: An Economic and Political Appraisal. London : G. Bell & Sons Ltd., 1972.
    (9) Chan Heng Chee , The Dynamics of One Party Dominance: The PAP at the Grass - Roots. Singapore : Singapore University Press , 1978.
    (10) Chen Peter S. J. and Fawcett James T., eds, Public Policy and Population Chang in Singapore. New York : The Population Council Inc., 1979.
    (11) Chen George Wan-Hsin, The Social Bases of Political Development and Integration : The Case of Singapore. Ann Arbor : University Microfilms International , 1981.
    (12) Chong, Peng Khuan , ed., Problems in Political Development : Singapore. Berkeley: Calif., MacCutcha , 1968.
    (13) DahI , Robert A., Polyarchy : Participation and Opposition. London : Yale University Press , 1971.
    (14) Education in Singapore. Singapore : Educational Publications Bureau,1972.
    (15) Fong Sip Chee , The PAP Story: The Pioneering Years. Times Periodical Pte. Ltd., 1979.
    (16) Gamer , Robert E., The Politics of Urban Development in Singapore. London : Cornell University Press , 1972.
    (17) Geiger , Theodore , Tales of Two City-States : The Development Progress of Hong Kong and Singapore. Singapore National Planning Association , 1973.
    (18) Gullick , J. M., Malaysia and its Neighbours. London : Routledge and Kegan Paul , 1967.
    (19) Grew , Raymond , ed., Crises of PolItical Development in Europe and the United States. N. J. : Princeton University Press,1978.
    (20) Hassan , Riaz , ed., Singapore : Society in Transition. Kuala Lumper: Oxford University Press , 1976.
    (21) Josey , Alex , Lee Kuan Yew-The Struggle for Singapore. Angus & Robertson Publishers, 1980.
    (22) Josey , Alex , The Singapore General Election, 1972. Singapore Eastern Universities Press,1972.
    (23) Kirby, S. Woodbura , Singapore: The Chain of Disaster. New York : The Macmillan Company , 1971.
    (24) Lee Kuan Yew, The Battle for Merger. Singapore : Government Printing Office, 1961.
    (25) Pye , Lucian W., Southeast Asia’s Political System. New Jersey Prentice-Hall , Inc., 1974.
    (26) Pye , Lucian W., Politics , Personality , and Nation Building : Burma’s Search for Identity. London : Yale University Press , 1962.
    (27) Pang Cheng Lian , Singapore’s People’s Action Party : Its History, Organization and Ledership. Kuala Lumpur : Oxford University Press , 1971.
    (28) Pye , Lucian W., Aspects of Political Development。台北:虹橋書店,民國六十六月。
    (29) Ryan , N. J., A History of Malaysia and Singapore. Kuala Lumpur : Oxford University Press , 1976.
    (30) Seah Chee Meow , ed., Trends in Singapore: Proceeding and Background Paper. Singapore: Published by Singapore University Press for ISEAS , 1975.
    (31) Singapore’82. Singapore : Information of Ministry of Culture , 1982.
    (32) Sopiee, Mohamed Noordin , From Malayan Union to Singapore Separation ; Political Unification in the Malaysia Region , 1945-65. Kuala Lumpur : Penerbit University Malaya , 1974.
    (33) Seah Chee Meow , Community Centers and Political Development in Singapore : 1951-1969 Department of Political Science , University of Singapore , 1969.
    (34) Tumbull , C. M.,A History of Singapore, 1819-1975. London : Oxford University Press , 1977.
    (35)Wilson , Dick , The Future Role of Singapore. London: Oxford University Press , 1972.
    (36) Wong , John , ASEAN Economies in Perspective : A Comparative Study of Indonesia Malaysia , the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. London: The MaCmillan Press Ltd., 1980.
    (37) Yeo Kim Wah , Political Development in Singapore , 1945-45. Singapore : Singapore University Press , 1973.
    (38) YOU Poh Seng and Lim Chong Yah , eds., The Singapore Economy. Eastern University Press Sdn. Bhd., 1971.
    乙.期刊 ( Periodicals )
    (1) Chan Heng Chee , Singapore in 1982: Gradual Transition to a New Order “Asian Surey , Feb. 1983.
    (2) Chan Heng Chee , "Singapore in 1981 : Planned Changes , Unplanned Consequences." Asian Survey , Feb. 1982.
    (3)Chang, David W., "Nation-Building in Singapore." Asian Survey , Sep. 1968.
    (4) Chee , Stephen , "Malaysia and Singapore: The Political Economy of Multiracial Development. Asian Survey, Feb. 1974.
    (5)Fong , H. D., "Strategy of Economic Development in Singapore." 南洋大學學報,第四期,新加坡:南洋大學,一九七○年。
    (6) Lee Boon Hiok , "Constrains on Singapore’s Foreign Policy." Asian Survey , June, 1982.
    (7) Lim , Linda Y.C., "Singapore’s Success :The Myth of the Free Market Economy."
    Asian Survey , June 1983.
    (8) Mulliner , k., "Singapore : Prosperity in a Global City." Current History , Dec . 1979.
    (9)MacDougal , John A., "Birth of a Nation : National Identification in Singapore ." Asian Survey , June 1976.
    (10) Seah Chee Meow , "Singapore 1979 : The Dialectics of Survival." Asian Survey , Feb. 1980.
    (11) Seah Chee Meow , "Singapore 1980.: Institutionalizing System Maintenance." Asian Survey , Feb. 1981.
    (12) Shee Poon Kim , "Singapore 1978 : Preparation for the 1980s." Asian Survey , Feb. 1979.
    (13) Shee Poon Kim , "Singapore 1977 : Stability and Growth." Asian Survey , Feb. 1978.
    (14) Shee Poon Kim , "The Cadre and Ordinary Membership of the People’s Action Party of Singapore 1954-1970." 南洋大學學報,第五期,新加坡:南洋大學,一九七一年。
    (15)Tae Yul Nam , "Singapore’s One-Party System: Its Relationship to Democracy and Political Stability." Pacific Affair , vol.42 , No. 4, 1969.
    (16)Wai Pek Lok "Urban Planning and Housing Problems in Singapore." 南洋大學學報,第八期,新加坡:南洋大學,一九七四年。
    (17)Yeung , Yue-man and Drakakis-Smith, D.W., Comparative Perspectives on Public Housing in Singapore and Hong Kong." Asian Survey , Aug. 1974.
    (18) Far Eastern Economic Review. 1978-1983.
    丙、 報紙 (News Paper)
    (1) Hong Kong Standard.
    Relation: 國立政治大學
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[政治學系] 學位論文

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