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    政大機構典藏 > 理學院 > 心理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/103564
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    Title: 阿朴嗎啡對中樞神經激胺的影響
    Other Titles: Effects Of Apomorphine On Central Serontonergic System
    Authors: 王豐彬
    Contributors: 李小媛
    Date: 1985
    Issue Date: 2016-11-08 16:23:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 以高壓液態色層分析(HPLC)螢光測定生化分析同時量測背側縫合核及紋狀體中Tryptophan、5-HT和5-HIAA,獲知Apomorphine(3.0 mg/kg)腹腔注射後30分鐘同時提高了5-HT的合成及代謝,支持Apomorphine透過黑質的自我接受器而影響背側縫合核及紋狀體5- HT系統的假說。
    Apomorphine 5µg及8µg直接打入老鼠紋狀體中,都排除紋狀體DA突觸前接受器參與Apomorphine影響5-HT系統的可能性,同時也符合以前DA突觸後接受器不參與Apomorphine對5-HT影響的結果。
    把GA BA的專一性拮抗劑Picrotoxin在不引起肌肉痙攣的劑量下(4mg / kg)打入老鼠體內,能阻止Apomorphine在背側縫合核及紋狀體中對Tryptophan、5- HT 和5-HIAA的影響,顯示GABA也參與了Apomorphine對5-HT的影響。
    序言 壹
    論文摘要 參
    第一章 導論1
    第一節 文獻探討1
    第二節 研究目的8
    第二章 研究方法11
    第一節 實驗動物11
    第二節 藥品11
    第三節 儀器設備--HPLC介紹 12
    第四節 手術--腦部注射14
    第五節 組織切取20
    第六節 統計方法21
    第三章 實驗與結果23
    第一節 APO對5-HT影響的詳細藥理機構23
    第二節 紋狀體DA突觸前接受器在APO對5-HT影響上所扮演的角色24
    第三節 GABA在APO對5-HT影響中可能扮演的角色34
    第四章 討論49
    第一節 APO對5-HT影響的詳細藥理機構49
    第二節 紋狀體DA突觸前接受器在APO對5-HT影響上所扮演的角色50
    第三節 GABA在APO對5-HT影響中可能扮演的角色52
    第四節 APO對5-HT影響的行為含意53
    第五章 結論55

    圖一 簡易神經通路4
    圖二 外在標準的HPLC螢光測定生化分析圖15
    圖三 背側縫合核的HPLC螢光測定生化分析圖16
    圖四 尾狀核的HPLC螢光測定生化分析圖17
    圖五 腹側縫合核的HPLC螢光測定生化分析圖18
    圖六 海馬迴的HPLC螢光測定生化分析圖19
    Table 1. Effects of apomorphine (3.0mg/kg, i.p.) on monoamine neurotransmitters and their precursors in dorsal raphe 25
    Table 2. Effects of apomorphine (3.0mg/kg, i.p.) on monoamine neurotransmitters and their precursors in caudate 26
    Table 3. Effects of apomorphine (3.0mg/kg, i.p.) on monoamine neurotransmitters and their precursors in median raphe. 27
    Table 4. Effects of apomorphine (3.0mg/kg, i.p.) on monoamine neurotransmitters and their precursors in hippocarnpus. 28
    Table 5. Effects of 7 days 6-hydroxydopamine (caudate) and apomorphine (3.0mg/kg, i.p.) on monoamine neurotransmitters and their precursors in dorsal raphe. 31
    Table 6. Effects of 7 days 6-hydroxydopamine (caudate) and apomorphine (3.0mg/kg, i.p.) on monoamine neurotransmitters and their precursors in caudate. 32
    Table 7. Effects of 7 days 6-hydroxydopamine (caudate) and apomorphine (3.0mg/kg, i.p.) on monoamine neurotransmitters and their precursors in median raphe. 35
    Table 8 Effects of 7 days 6-hydroxydopamine (caudate) and apomorphine (3.0mg/kg, i.p.) on monoamine neurotransmitters and their precursors in hippocampus. 36
    Table 9. Effects of apomorphine infusion (5ug,caudate) on monoamine neurotransmitters and their precursors in dorsal raphe. 37
    Table 10. Effects of apomorphine infusion (5ug,caudate) on monoamine neurotransmitters and their precursors in caudate. 38
    Table 11. Effects of apomorphine infusion (8ug,caudate) on monoamine neurotransmitters and their precursors in dorsal raphe. 39
    Table 12. Effects of apomorphine infusion (8ug,caudate) on monoamine neurotransmitters and their precursors in caudate. 40
    Table 13. Effects of apomorphine (8ug,caudate) on monoamine neurotransmitters and their precursors in mdeian raphe. 41
    Table 14. Effects of apomorphine (8ug,caudate) on monoamine neurotransmitters and their precursors in hippocampus. 42
    Table 15. Effects of apomorphine (3.0mg/kg, i.p.)
    and picrotoxin (4mg/kg, i.p.) on monoamine neurotransmitters and their precursors in dorsal raphe. 45
    Table 16. Effects of apomorphine (3.0mg/kg, i.p.) and picrotoxin (4mg/kg, i.p.) on monoamine neurotransmitters and their precursors in caudate. 46
    Table 17. Effects of apomorphine (3.0mg/kg, i.p.) and picrotoxin (4mg/kg, i.p.) on monoamine neurotransmitters and their precursors in median raphe. 47
    Table 18. Effects of apomorphine (3.0mg/kg, i.p.) and picrotoxin (4mg/kg, i.p.) on monoamine neurotransmitters and their precursors in hippocampus. 48
    附圖:Histology:Dye (Methylene Blue, 3mg/ml) infusion to caudate Neutral Red Staining. 65
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    Relation: 國立政治大學
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[心理學系] 學位論文

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