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Title: | 2009年縣市長選舉現任者與挑戰者候選人部落格傳播策略比較 |
Other Titles: | Comparing Communication Strategies of Incumbents and Challengers in Blogs: The Case Study of Taiwan`s 2009 Municipal Election |
Authors: | 王泰俐 Wang, Tai-Li |
Keywords: | 部落格;網路政治傳播;競選網站;競選身分 blogs;campaignwebsites;campaignstatus;politicalcommunication |
Date: | 2011-07 |
Issue Date: | 2016-10-25 15:49:45 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究以修正的「網路風格分析」為架構,分析2009年縣市長選舉中,現任者與挑戰者其部落格傳播形式的差異。研究結果發現,現任者強調穩固目前地位,對於部落格新傳播科技的採用較為保守。而挑戰者企圖引發選民關注以及提高選民對選舉的涉入程度,故積極使用網路傳播策略。以口語內容的傳播而言,挑戰者傾向採用攻擊對手策略。在人格形象特質上,現任者的形象較為平和且有政治經驗,挑戰者則呈現較親切、合群的特質,但也顯得強勢、成功、有知識,專業以及為人民著想。此結果顯示挑戰者較善於運用部落格傳播策略,經營候選人形象。在非口語內容中,現任者通常著正式服裝,呈現更多的微笑、較自然的臉部表情;挑戰者則以休閒衣著為主、臉部表情較不自然、姿態也較封閉拘謹。此結果顯示,儘管部落格具備新媒體的創新特質,但挑戰者仍有可能受限於其他因素而無法自由展現肢體語言。以製作內容而言,挑戰者的固定照片及有聲動畫的呈現均顯著高於現任者。尤其挑戰者使用自製網路影片的比例遠高於現任者,此結合YouTube的擴散效果,容易引領選舉話題,並引發年輕選民對選舉的關注。而互動內容中,現任者的外部連結集中於官方機構,而挑戰者部落格則提供大量的獨立部落格或網站連結,展現較高的網路民主素養。挑戰者積極經營部落格的資訊互動、選民之間互動以及介面互動,而現任者在候選人與選民間的互動則略勝一籌。 This study used a modified Webstyle Analysis method to analyze the differences between incumbents and challengers` communication strategies employed in blogs in the 2009 Municipal Election. Results indicated that, overall speaking, incumbents tried to emphasis on the current status while challengers attempted to arouse voters` interest and got voters more involved in the campaign. Specifically, in the dimension of verbal content, challengers were more likely to attack than incumbents in terms of topics, functions, and the strategies. In terms of personality traits, incumbents appeared to be more peaceful and experienced-in-politics, while challengers tended to be stronger, more successful, and knowledgeable; more honest, cooperating with others, understanding, professional, and considering for the people. In the dimension of nonverbal content, incumbents presented more smiles and more natural facial expressions with more formal clothing, whereas challengers presented more beautified facial expression and with more closed and cautious gesture, though more often dressed in more casual outfits. In terms of production content, findings suggested that incumbents provided limited animations, while challengers presented more photos and animations without sound effects. For the video sources, incumbents relied mainly on political spots, whereas challengers emphasized candidate-self-produced video and spread it onto YouTube. As for the interactivity dimension, incumbents tried to provide more hyperlinks to government agencies and commercial websites, while challengers linked more to independent blog. In addition, both incumbents and challengers interacted with voters primarily via blogs` posts. The implications resulted from all the differences in incumbents` and challengers` communication patterns in blogs are discussed, and research suggestions for future studies are made in conclusions. |
Relation: | 廣告學研究, 36,31-69 Journal of advertising & public relations |
Data Type: | article |
Appears in Collections: | [廣告學研究] 期刊論文
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