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    Title: 台灣反韓情緒與韓流狂熱:台灣韓流迷研究
    Living among Enthusiasm and Antagonism: A Study of Korean Wave Fans in Taiwan
    Authors: 劉莞青
    Liu, Josephine K.
    Contributors: 柯裕棻
    Ko,Yu Fen
    Liu, Josephine K.
    Keywords: 韓流

    Korean Wave
    Collective Memory
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2016-09-20 11:38:10 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣與韓國過去曾多年在經濟產業與運動競賽交手,也因雙方在各層面的競合關係,導致大多數的台灣民眾對韓國觀感較差,然而此一情況在近二十年來因為韓國流行文化「韓流」進入台灣以後有所改變。
    Taiwan and South Korea have a long-time history competing with each other in sports and industries. Due to these competitions, most Taiwanese people dislike South Korea. However, in the two recent decades, the Korean Wave has gradually become globally recognized and has won a place in the Taiwanese market.
    In Taiwan, the hype of the Korean Wave can be seen from music programs on TV to the discussion forums on the Internet. Korean Wave fans, most of whom are female, have been portrayed in a maniacal and negative way in the meddled coverage by Taiwanese media. These fans not only need to endure discrimination by the media, but also in their daily interactions with other people who hold anti-Korean attitudes. This study intends to discuss how Korean Wave fans confront anti-Korean attitudes in their daily experiences.
    Through the interviews of twelve female fans, the study has found, first, that even though these fans learned valuable knowledge about South Korea during their participation in the Korean Wave, that great amount of knowledge is difficult to share or persuade the anti-Korean people who confront them.
    Second, the nationalistic antagonism towards South Korea has surged in Taiwan for decades, yet, there is no specific historic reason for Taiwanese people to be hostile towards South Korea. Under this circumstance, the nationalistic antagonism toward South Korea in Taiwan still existed as a kind of collective memory from generation to generation thanks to the news media. For those anti-Korean Taiwanese, the nationalistic antagonism may serve as a kind of petty nationalism that expresses their anxiety in facing and competing with South Korea.
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