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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/101248

    Title: 台灣供電系統可靠度分析: 跨國比較
    Reliability Analysis of Taiwan`s Power System: A Cross-Country Comparison
    Authors: 史愛理
    Strom, Eric Alexander
    Contributors: 張四立
    Chang, Ssu-Li
    Strom, Eric Alexander
    Keywords: 台電
    Taipower Co.
    Power System
    Cross-country Analysis
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-09-02 01:31:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文範圍為台灣供電系統可靠分析而審查長期電力消費發展,發展新供電可靠指標,而拿新指標來跟北美洲供電系統做比較。本論文以現有的台電公司電力調度處建立新分析架構來做跨國分析。然而本分析用新架構來審查現有的台灣各政府單位預期電力消費發展計劃。
    This thesis examines reliability and long term planning in Taiwan’s power system by developing new metrics to evaluate existing systems, and then comparing them with comparable data from North America. The study involved series of spreadsheets retrieved from Taipower’s Power Dispatch Office to determine historical reliability for all generation in Taiwan, deriving a new metric to analyze that data, and then comparing it to North America Generating Availability Data System figures. The study then uses those figures to evaluate existing long term electrical usage projections from different Taiwanese government bodies. The study concludes that while Taiwan’s existing power systems have comparably high reliability, excessive politicization of electricity and lack of political autonomy in energy administration hinder Taiwan’s long term electrical prospects. Additionally, existing evaluations of long-term needs are overly optimistic and do not account for political changes.
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