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Title: | 身分認同、觀感和社會融合: 以西班牙穆斯林移民為例 Identity, Perception and Integration: A Case Of Muslim Immigrants in Spain |
Authors: | 馬馨怡 Ma, Shing Yi |
Contributors: | 卓忠宏 Cho, Chung Hung 馬馨怡 Ma, Shing Yi |
Keywords: | 身分認同 社會融合 建構主義 穆斯林移民 社會觀感 Identity integration constructivism Muslim immigrants perception |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-09-02 01:31:24 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 現今科技的進步和全球化,人們能更容易且迅速地遷移到不同的地方。移民遷移國外不難,但要適應居住國不同的文化、種族、宗教、歷史背景和社會融合就因人而異。身分認同是社會融合中重要的因素,而社會融合的困難與挑戰則可以從歐洲公民的態度、穆斯林移民的自我身分認同、對於移民的觀感和刻板印象中觀察出。
關鍵字: 身分認同、社會融合、建構主義、穆斯林移民、社會觀感。 It is easier and faster for people to move to different places nowadays with the advanced development of technology and globalization. Although it is easy to move to foreign countries, it is difficult for immigrants to adapt and integrate into a society with distinct cultures, ethnicities, religious and historical background. Identity can be seen as an important factor during the process of integration. From the attitudes of European citizens, self-identification of Muslim immigrants, perceptions and stereotypes imposed toward the immigrants, the difficulties and challenges of integration into the society can easily be observed.
The researcher propose to conduct interviews with Muslim immigrants living in Spain to see their perspectives of the process of integration and the challenges they faced. Many scholars believed that the Muslim immigrants were not represented in the society and often face many discriminations and misunderstandings due to their identity. For other scholars, immigration in Spain is not perceived to be a threat to national identity because of the lack of visibility of immigrants.
However, with recent event of terrorist attacks and the economic crisis, the attitudes of local citizens are becoming less tolerant toward Muslim immigrants. When Muslim immigrants face difficulties of adaptation and integration into the foreign society, they would become segregated and form their own social group; or they would assimilate into the foreign country and lose their identity. If Muslim immigrants are accepted and welcomed by local communities and the government, they would be able to create a new identity and integrate into the society better.
Key words: Identity, integration, constructivism, Muslim immigrants, perception |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際研究英語碩士學位學程 (IMPIS) 103862002 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103862002 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [International Master`s Program in International Studies] Theses
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