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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/101239

    Title: 我國著作權集體管理團體之研究-以流行音樂產業為例
    The Study On The Music Copyright Collective Management Organizations: The Case Study of Pop-Music Industry
    Authors: 辛 宇
    Hsin, Yu
    Contributors: 張瑜倩
    辛 宇
    Hsin, Yu
    Keywords: 著作權
    Collective Management Organization
    Pop music industry
    Transaction costs
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-09-02 01:29:33 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 著作權集體管理團體機制的建置係為落實著作權的保護,其主要目的在於降低授權的交易成本、為著作人管理著作並進行授權利用、使著作得以迅速且有效率地被廣泛運用與傳播,使著作人的權利受到保障,提供文化產業與經濟市場健全的發展空間並促進我國文化創意產業之發展。
    The establishment and development of the Copyright Collective Management Organizations (COMs) is a key indicator of copyright protection. The existence of CMO systems is to reduce licensing cost, to promote the exploitation of works legally, to broaden public access to copyrighted works, and to provide the benefits and protection of copyright owners. It also positively effect and promote cultural and economic development of society, furthermore revitalized the cultural industry.

    However, in practice, the establishment of CMOs licensing system has failed to bring the promised economic benefits to the pop music industry in Taiwan. This is mainly because there are conflicts and lack of trust among the stakeholders, such as user, publishers and artists. This situation often results in not utilizing or trusting CMOs.

    This thesis focuses on the relationship between the stakeholders and CMOs in the pop music industry in Taiwan under the existing licensing system. In addition, how transaction costs effect stakeholders’ decision in tersm of licensing. This study also aims to explore the current situation of the CMO system and the difficultites CMO is facing by analyzing the industrial trends worldwide.

    The thesis adopts transaction costs in economics as the research framework. This study is an empirical research and in-depth interviews are used to analyse the practical problems of pop music licensing process, injunction with perspectives of academics, industrial overview. The research findings show that CMO’s copyright licensing system cannot reduce the transaction costs, digital online database does not lower the searching cost effectively, and is not able to reflect on the changing role of the stakeholders in the pop music industry in Taiwan. This thesis investigat why the CMO is unfavorable for music licensing and provides insights and perspective on this issue in order to responde the nature of copyright law to promote cultural development.in pop music industry.
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