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    Title: 台灣資通訊品牌企業面臨PE及NPE專利訴訟風險之比較分析—從動態競爭AMC的觀點
    The Comparative Analysis of Patent Litigation Risks Facing by Taiwan ICT Brand Enterprises from Their Practicing Entities (PEs) and Non-Practicing Entities (NPEs) Competitors–from the AMC perspective of Competitive Dynamics
    Authors: 唐與菁
    Tang, Yu Ching
    Contributors: 許牧彥
    Hsu, Mu Yen
    Tang, Yu Ching
    Keywords: 專利訴訟
    Patent Litigation
    Competitive Practicing Entities (cPEs)
    Non-practicing Entities (NPEs)
    Competitive Dynamics
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-09-02 01:28:25 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣廠商在全球NPEs (Non-practicing entities)戰爭中無法置身事外。但對於國內絕大多數品牌企業而言,專利平常監控的對象多停留在有產品市場競爭的對手企業。當國內企業對於NPEs的攻擊陌生且交手經驗薄弱的情況下,以外銷為主的台灣品牌廠商一旦被NPEs發動攻擊,敗訴賠償及因侵權而重創的品牌形象恐難以估計。有鑑於此,本研究從台灣品牌商PEs (Practicing entities)角度出發,試圖探討原本就在產品上具競爭關係的國際大廠PEs,和精通專利遊戲規則但台廠較未接觸NPEs,發動專利訴訟的傾向或風險有何差異?並以客觀的數據進行實證研究。研究結果指出,同樣身為產品製造商,若要對其他競爭公司採取訴訟手段時,應透過交易移轉自身專利給中介商操盤(中介商可以是NPE或其他不在產品競爭領地的企業),會比自己直接發動訴訟承擔的風險更低。從動態競爭觀點來看,若我方為國內品牌廠商,當發現市場競爭廠商的專利出現轉入NPE事件時,必須更加醒覺地監控NPE動向,因為大廠專利一旦落在NPE手中,對我方發動訴訟的傾向將顯著提升。
    Taiwanese manufacturers can’t stay away from the wars caused by global NPEs (Non-practicing entities) anymore. For the majority of domestic enterprises focusing on branding, they monitor and apply data mining of patent maps only at the competitors who are producing real products (herein called the term “practicing entities (PEs)” as opposed to “NPEs”). Since lacking experiences dealing with NPEs’ lawsuit attack, export-oriented domestic manufactures usually lose in lawsuit and their brand image being hurt. The damages are difficult to estimate. In view of this, the aim of this thesis provides an empirical study trying to compare with two kinds of plaintiff launched proceedings initiatively between PE competitors and NPEs being proficient in patent litigations but not familiar to Taiwanese brand enterprises. The study concludes that as a PE in launching litigation, the risk is lower if it transfer its patent to NPE or other PE that is not in the same industry and have them initiate the lawsuit. From the perspective of competitive dynamics, domestic enterprises must be more aware of monitoring NPEs’ activity while patent transaction from PEs to NPEs has been found because NPEs’ motivation to launch proceedings will significant increase.
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