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    Title: 帶著自己的員工,中國在越南的外國直接投資項目中僱用員工的政策
    Bring their own workers: a study on labor practices in Chinese Overseas direct investment projects in Vietnam
    Authors: 佟莉娜
    Hernandez, Catalina Torres
    Contributors: 賀大衛
    David Holm
    Catalina Torres Hernandez
    Keywords: 中國
    Going global
    Doi Moi
    Chinese workers
    Overseas investments
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-09-02 01:15:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 很多中國公司直接去到外國投資是中國政府的"走出去"政策。這些去外國投資者期許的其中一個方式是帶著自己國家的員工,而不去僱用當地的員工。就越南這個案例研究指出其可信的理由。第一是溝通的需求和特別的技術。第二,事實上不是所有廠商的員工都是來自中國大陸,有些是來自台灣。第三,在越南一些關於入境和工作許可在立法上的改變和隔閡,對中國員工是有利的。第四,在處理事務和管理上,可以採取中國的方式。第五,中國大陸員工薪水可以用外國幤值存入中國銀行帳戶,供其家人使用。最後在這些議題之外研究中發現,一些越南幽靈工人,從鄰近中國南部的村莊,跨界到中國,用長的工作時間來換取微薄的薪水。
    Chinese companies have sent Overseas Direct Investment to other countries, as part of the government policy “Going Global”, and one of the practices they have is to carry many of their own workers with them, instead of filling these jobs with local employees, as expected for foreign investments. For the case of Vietnam, the identifiable reasons found in this research on why it happens are first, the need of communication and other special skills from employers; second, that actually not all plants where Mainlanders work are from China, but from Taiwan as well; third, there are changes and gaps in the legislation about migration and work permission in Vietnam that are taken as advantage by Chinese employers; fourth, practices in their own way by Chinese when it comes to business and management; fifth, Mainland workers receive their salaries in bank accounts in China, to save for their families and in foreign exchange; and last, during the research it was found the opposite phenomenon of Vietnamese workers crossing the border to work in neighbor provinces in southern China, earning lower wages after long working hours, among other issues. The first part will focus on theories on foreign direct investment; the second part will talk about the economic growth of Vietnam after the Doi Moi or policy of opening to foreign investments in 1986. The third part will refer to the China “Going Global” Policy and the controversy around the employment of Chinese migrant workers in these projects in different countries. The fourth part will describe the reasons and tensions between Chinese and locals and the reasons for the arrival of migrant workers employed in Oversees investments projects in Vietnam. The fifth part will discuss the findings around the hypothesis and the latter part will set up the conclusions.
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