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    Title: 從民主推展到公眾外交 - 以臺灣民主基金會為例
    From Democracy Promotion to Public Diplomacy: A Case Study of Taiwan Foundation for Democracy
    Authors: 張書銘
    Chang, Shu Ming
    Contributors: 黃奎博
    Huang, Kwei Bo
    Chang, Shu Ming
    Keywords: 公眾外交
    Public Diplomacy
    Soft Power
    Taiwan Foundation for Democracy
    Taiwan Democracy
    Democracy Promotion
    National Endowment for Democracy
    Country Image
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-09-02 01:12:36 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 「臺灣民主」象徵華人世界與西方政治制度的接軌,展現中華民國獨特且具價值的軟權力,民主制度也藴育臺灣非政府組織的快速成長,促進我國多元族群文化的力量,成為我國推展「第二軌外交」的資產。民主推展以民主和平論者「民主國家間甚少發生戰爭」為前提,自第二次世界大戰結束,美國向外推展民主人權,並催化民主思想。1983年「美國國家民主基金會」成立,透過計畫項目和政府經費的提供,推展政黨外交並與各國建立合作夥伴關係,傳達民主思想。
    “Taiwan Democracy” not only represents the value of Democracy, but also shows the democracy possibility in Chinese society. The unique and splendid Taiwan peacefully democracy transition leads to Taiwan diversity cultures and vibrant society, which strongly amplify Taiwan soft power. It also stimulates NGO growth and promotes Taiwan civil society. By democracy achievement, Taiwan government actively communicates with international NGO, and participants in international community.
    After World WarⅡ, democracy initiative promotion was one of US important diplomacy policies followed “Democratic Peace Theory” who says democracy country is hesitant to engage in armed conflict with other identified democracies. In other words, peace is the goal for democratic countries pursue. Hence, democracy promotion increasingly becomes popular. By this trend, National Endowment for Democracy was established in 1983, and its budget mainly comes from U.S. government. Through NED, US government promotes democracy value and establishes favorable international situation for US.
    In 1971, Republic of China withdrew from United Nations, and thereafter People Republic of China continuously obstructs Taiwan “de facto” existence in international areas and organizations. Therefore, “Public Diplomacy” is saliently important. By Soft power and NGOs cooperation, Taiwan makes effort to strengthen country beneficial image and be willing to take international responsibility. Furthermore, Government Organized Nongovernment Organization (GONGO) supported by government is the role to make the bridge between government and public. Through GONGO vague role, Taiwan government appropriately participates international society and conveys their appeal.
    As one of GONGO, Taiwan Foundation for Democracy (TFD) supported by government was established in 2003, and its structure and purpose are followed from NED in U.S. It attempts to promote democracy and human rights in Asia, and also show Taiwan precious democracy achievement for international. Alternatively, it offers platform for Taiwan to communicate with international through democracy forum and seminar. It also invites international democracy activists and scholars in Taiwan to witness democracy achievement.
    This article manages to examine the structure and background of TFD. By TFD organizer and president interview, it manages to retrospect the development of TFD. Furthermore, through articles and documents review, this article tries to find out Taiwan public diplomacy, democracy soft power and the relation between government and NGOs. By means of past activities and comments review, this article hopes to the give the suggestion and future path for TFD.
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