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Title: | 俄羅斯服務貿易之研究 The Study on Russia`s Trade in Services |
Authors: | 李宜軒 Lee, Yi Hsuan |
Contributors: | 魏百谷 Wei, Pai Ku 李宜軒 Lee, Yi Hsuan |
Keywords: | 俄羅斯 服務貿易 競爭力 WTO Russia trade in services competitiveness WTO |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-09-02 01:10:54 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 經濟全球化帶動了全球服務貿易的發展,使其在各國經濟的地位日漸重要,服務貿易的發展及服務貿易競爭力之分析與研究便成為重要議題。自蘇聯解體以來,俄羅斯服務業逐漸成長,帶動了服務貿易的發展,無論是總量或成長率皆呈現上升趨勢,同時,俄羅斯於2012年加入WTO,更為其服務貿易之發展帶來契機。 本研究以質化方法探討俄羅斯服務貿易之發展現況,並分析俄羅斯加入WTO時對服務貿易所作之承諾,最後再以貿易競爭力指標(TC指數)輔以顯示性比較優勢指標(RCA指數),對俄羅斯2006年至2015年之服務貿易競爭力做實證分析。 研究結果顯示,這段時間內俄羅斯服務貿易各項主要指標乃由進口所主導,並呈現貿易逆差之局勢;而俄羅斯加入WTO時,對於其發展較落後的服務貿易項目如金融服務設定有較多的保護措施及年限,對於其發展較佳之服務貿易項目如運輸服務則開放較多。此外,在服務貿易競爭力方面,俄羅斯整體服務貿易國際競爭力與出口競爭力皆偏弱,且在傳統服務貿易產業上較具有比較優勢。其中,商品相關服務及運輸服務是俄羅斯較具國際競爭力之項目,營造服務則具有較佳之出口競爭力;此外,金融服務、專利及知識產權服務則是俄羅斯國際競爭力最弱之項目。 Economic globalization has furthered the development of trade in services around the world, such that it has come to play an increasingly important role in national economies. Therefore, the development and competitiveness of trade in services has become an important issue to be analyzed and researched. Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the constant growth of the service sector has led to the development of trade in services, which has an upward trend both in total volume and growth rate. Meanwhile, the accession of Russia to the WTO in 2012 has brought even more opportunities for the development of trade in services. In this study, a qualitative method is used to explore the current state of the development of trade in services and to analyze the commitments that Russia made in relation to trade in services upon its accession to the WTO. Finally, the Trade Competitiveness Index (TC Index) is used in combination with the Revealed Comparative Advantage Index (RCA Index) to empirically analyze Russia’s trade competitiveness between 2006 and 2015. The results demonstrate that the main indexes of Russia’s trade in services were dominated by imports during this period, as well as present its state of trade deficit. Following Russia’s accession to the WTO, the Russian government has on the one hand set more safeguard measures and a longer duration for trade in service items which are less developed, such as financial services, and on the other hand, opened the trade in service items which are better developed, such as transport. In addition, in terms of the competitiveness of trade in services, Russia is weaker both in overall international competitiveness of trade in services and export competitiveness, and enjoys greater comparative advantage in the traditional sectors of trade in services, among which goods-related services and transport are items of greater international competitiveness and construction are of greater export competitiveness. However, financial services, along with charges for the use of intellectual property are the items for which Russia experiences the weakest international competitiveness. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 俄羅斯研究所 100263008 |
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