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Title: | 考績制度救濟問題之研究- 以100年-104年保訓會再申訴案件為例 A Study of Administration Remedy in the Civil Service Performance Appraisal System: using CSPTC Re-appeal Cases (2011-2014) as an Example |
Authors: | 羅雅馨 |
Contributors: | 陳敦源 羅雅馨 |
Keywords: | 救濟 申訴 再申訴 考績 實體瑕疵 程序瑕疵 remedy appeal re-appeal performance appraisal procedural defect substantive defect |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-09-02 01:03:29 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 公務人員考績與各項權益息息相關,除了獎金請求權和晉級外,後續升等、陞遷、訓練等皆會受到影響。自90年起,為解決甲等比例過高的問題,銓敘部和前人事行政局要求各機關甲等比例以50%為原則,不超過75%為上限。雖然使過去年年甲等的現象消失,但這種限制也讓公務人員質疑考績評定的公平性。然而雖然對考績不斷有質疑的聲浪,但是因考績提起救濟案件似乎並不如質疑的聲浪。本研究主要係瞭解為什麼再申訴人要提起再申訴,影響對考績不滿的公務人員決定提起或不提起申訴再申訴的原因,以及是否申訴再申訴對當事人後續工作和組織的態度的影響。
根據研究發現,大多數的再申訴人主張其績效良好,符合考列甲等的要件,而認為考績不當;其次則是認為考績決定有與事件無關的考慮牽涉在內及認為機關對考評事實未詳實調查;而相較於撤銷案件以程序瑕疵為主,再申訴人提起再申訴多主張機關有實體的瑕疵。救濟成本、工作滿意度、投資規模、行為效能、有無其他選擇機會和歸責性等都會影響不滿考績的人決定是否要提起申訴再申訴。最後本文認為當事人不滿考績結果,是否提起申訴再申訴並非影響其後續對工作狀況和組織態度的關鍵因素,而是機關如何與不滿考績的人員進行溝通,當機關願意和不滿考績的人員進行說明和給予是類人員未來考列較佳等次希望,則有可能改善其工作態度,願意爭取更佳績效,以在下個年度獲得更好的考績結果。 Civil service performance appraisal system is related to bonus and salary, also promotion and training of civil servants. Since 2001, for solving the problem of the high rate of A-class, Ministry of Civil Service and Directorate General of Personnel Administration ordered the A-class rating should be limited under 75%. Although the regulation decreased the high rate of A-class under 75%, it also causes rising doubt about fairness of the performance appraisal system. In the mist of rebuilding trust, the appeal and re-appeal rights of the performance appraisal system are served as a remedy. The study aims to find out (1) why people re-appeal, (2) what are the factors influence civil service choose to re-appeal or not to re-appeal, (3) how re-appeal influence civil service in working condition and organizational loyalty.
After utilizing various qualitative and quantitative methods, the study found that most applicants think he/she performed well and complied with the standard of A-class, as a result, the performance decision was inappropriate. Some applicants think performance decision was made with unrelated factors or the organization did not collect the related fact. The decision to appeal is dependent on the cost of remedy, job satisfaction, investment will, efficacy of the system and so on. Last, the study finds that re-appeal or not re-appeal is not the key factors to influence work condition and organizational loyalty, but the key is how the organization communicate with the unsatisfied employees. When leaders of organization are willing to explain and give the unsatisfied people hope for future performance appraisal, the unsatisfied people may be change his/her working attitude, in order to strive for better performance appraisal in the next year. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 政治學系 99252006 |
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