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    Title: 影響台北市舊商業區開發允建容積率之因素研究
    The Influence Factors on Permitted Floor Area Ratio of Taipei City Old Business District
    Authors: 顏正福
    Yen, Cheng Fu
    Contributors: 林左裕
    Lin, Tsoyu Calvin
    Yen, Cheng Fu
    Keywords: 土地開發分析法
    Land Development Analysis Approach
    Multiple Regression Analysis
    Permitted Floor Area Ratio
    Legal Floor Area Ratio
    Floor Area Ratio Preference
    Floor Area Ratio Transfer
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-09-02 00:52:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台北市為首善之區,建商推案及與地主合建分屋莫不以依追求最大利益及最高最有效使用法則為原則,但實際上商業區路寬不足會調降法定容積率與飛航管制限制建築高度會限縮建築規模,容積獎勵及容積移轉又可加乘法定容積率,使允建容積率與法定容積率產生嚴重差異。
    Being the capital city of Taiwan, Taipei city’s builders and land owners are pushing the lim¬its of building usage in a bid to maximize the its value and generate the biggest profit in re-turn. However, insufficient road width in the commercial area can lead to a smaller legal floor area ratio and the height of building being affected by the air traffic control can have the same effect over the building size. Moreover, floor area ratio preference and floor area ratio transfer can be multiplied by legal floor area ratio, making the permitted floor area ratio largely different from the legal floor area ratio.
    To analyze the root cause of this difference, this study makes use of the Land De- velop¬ment Analysis Approach by probing into its four perspectives, namely general ec- onomic conditions, case characteristics, financial status and market conditions, which are further analyzed in terms of stock index, M2 annual growth rate, lending rate, economic growth rate, and other factors such as preconstruction house price, lot limit, floor area ratio transfer, builder’s financial soundness, land area, road width, etc. Multiple Re- gression Analysis is then utilized to analyze 248 buildings being constructed during the
    20 years‘periodfrom 1995 till now in the old commercial area with its high floor area ratio.
    Results show that top factors influencing the permitted floor area ratio in the old commer¬cial area of Taipei city are lot limit, total value of floor area ratio preference being applied for transfer, and the road width in order of importance. However, the ge- neral ecomonic conditions and preconstruction house price, which are presumed to have large influence over the permitted floor area ratio, did not show any significance in this case. According to the statistics, the existing urban renewal policy is a far cry from the practice. Thus this study can serve as a reference for the assessment and review of the differences between the permitted and legal floor area ratio.
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