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Title: | 行政院性別平等政策機制運作之研究 A study of the operation of Gender Equality Policy Machinery under the Executive Yuan |
Authors: | 陳俞安 Chen, Yu An |
Contributors: | 莊國榮 Chuang, Kuo Jung 陳俞安 Chen, Yu An |
Keywords: | 性別平等政策機制 性別平等專責機構 國家女性主義 性別主流化 Gender equality policy machinery gender policy mechanism State Feminism Gender Mainstreaming |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-09-02 00:44:35 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 自第四屆世界婦女大會,北京行動綱領即要求各國建立或強化國家層級推動性別平等機制,歷經婦女團體十多年的積極爭取,我國已從初始的婦女政策機構轉變為「性別平等政策機制」(Gender equality policy machinery),僅有內政部社會司數名人員以兼辦業務方式支應婦權會運作,到2012年於行政院成立「性別平等處」(以下簡稱性平處),作為國家層級之性別平等專責機構,處理中央到地方政府的性別平等政策推動與落實,以及協助性平會幕僚作業等業務,使我國推動性別平等工作展開新的一頁。 本研究試圖從國家女性主義的角度,透過文獻分析、深度訪談等研究方法瞭解性平處成立4年以來,性平政策機制整體的運作情形,而經本研究訪談分析,發現專責機構在組織設計上的先天限制,導致機制運作未發揮預期功能,原因包括缺乏政策領航者與有效課責、性平會委員的代表性易受首長偏好等因素影響、性平處研考角色過重,以及組織間的溝通與回饋不足等問題。針對前述研究發現,本文認為透過借調專家學者作為專任委員,將有足夠的時間與資源針對特定、優先性議題做較創新且複雜度高的政策規劃,此外增加橫向課責,亦能加速性平政策之推動與落實。 Since the Forth United Nation World Conference on Women, Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA ), had asked every county for establishing or advancing the nation-level gender equality machinery. Women`s movement has make an effort to improve the level of gender equality machinery over the past few decade. Finally, the agency for women’s affairs has transformed from “women policy agency” into the “gender equality policy machinery”.
In the beginning, the Committee of Women’s Rights Promotion was supported by only few officers from the Department of Social Affairs, Ministry of The Interior. After the Department of Gender Equality, the nation-level department dedicated to advance the cause of gender equality affairs, which was established under the Executive Yuan in 2012 and in charge of coordinate the sort of work for the Gender Equality Committee . This begins a new era of equality for all genders.This paper analyzes literature on the Gender Equality policy machinery operation since the Department of Gender Equality has established, four years from it’s founded. And also includes in-depth interviews with those who in charge of related administrative matters from the perspective of state feminism.
The researcher found the dedicated agency to this subject area is limited to the nature of its organizational status. This limitation lead to the result of this machinery is not fully functioned. And the reason bring about this result could be no clear accountability to the entire policy or the machinery . The other reasons such as the committee representative depending on premier of Executive Yuan, the Department of Gender Equality ‘s role in oversight and evaluation system, and miscommunication in-between the government agencies .
With the findings in the previous paragraph, researcher suggests to hire the experts as appointed full-time commissioners could be a solution to the issues. And doing so is highly possible to give the commissioners enough time and resources to deal with the high priority issues, and make more executable, creative formulation. Furthermore, the horizontal accountability system adoption could also positively force the real Gender Equality to be done faster and precisely in Taiwan. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 公共行政學系 100256018 |
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