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    Title: 政策溝通行為之研究--以原能會為例
    The Research of Policy Communication Behavior: The Case of the Atomic Energy Council
    Authors: 謝忠安
    Contributors: 黃東益
    Huang, Tong Yi
    Keywords: 政策溝通途徑
    policy communication approaches
    policy communication behavior
    policy communication system
    Atomic Energy Council
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-09-02 00:43:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著政治民主化以及公共議題的多元化,政府溝通能力逐漸受到重視。許多政策推動的失敗被歸咎於政策溝通成效不彰外,文官更是被迫到第一線與民眾進行溝通互動以滿足逐漸高漲的溝通需求。然而,對於文官政策溝通行為的規範性及經驗性研究均相當匱乏,本研究從政府與民眾的互動關係、不同政府運作模式的邏輯,釐清並建構文官與民眾溝通的脈絡以及影響其溝通途徑與行為之因素,並試圖解釋文官參與政策溝通對於政治行政二分的意涵。
    In recent years, government communication capacity has become important as political democratization and public issues have diversified. Policy failures are often attributed to the lack of policy communication and force the civil servant to communicate with the public directly. However, some of the communication behavior of civil service policy literature suffer from the lack of attention to the perspective of normative and empirical researches. This research intents to explore the communication context between civil servant and the public, and to find out the determinant factors which affect communication approaches and communication behavior.
    This research uses the methods of in-depth interviews with key informants to investigate the key factors in the policy communication system that have substantial affected the choice of organizational communication approaches and communication behavior of civil service in Atomic Energy Council.
    The result indicates that: First, the public sector still has a tendency to choosing one-way communication and using indirect channel to communicate. Second, this research offers critical factors from the level of environment, institution, organization and individual that affect the choice of communication approaches and communication behavior.
    Finally, this research suggests that: First, Atomic Energy Council should pay more attention to understanding of policy information from reporters. Second, Atomic Energy Council should try to avoid cross-approaches communication. Third, Atomic Energy Council should face up to anti-nuclear groups and provide suitable communication approaches. Finally, Atomic Energy Council should design a policy communication team which concludes different levels of members, in order to build up an effective coordinating channels.
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