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    Title: 臺灣第三方支付法制與監理之研究
    A Study on the Governance of the Third-Party Payment in Taiwan
    Authors: 竇靖宸
    Tou, Ching Chen
    Contributors: 劉連煜
    Liu, Lian Yu
    Tou, Ching Chen
    Keywords: 第三方支付
    Third-Party Payment Service
    Electronic Payment Institutions
    The Act Governing Electronic Payment Institutions
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-09-02 00:17:46 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著電子商務蓬勃發展,健全之電子金流系統及電子支付工具成為不可或缺之一環。傳統付款方式結合網路通訊科技,提供消費者更為方便與迅速之支付服務,且發展新型態之電子支付模式,更使網路消費者獲得交易安全之保障。近期,基於第三方支付制度發展,網路交易模式逐漸取代傳統交易市場,如國外知名的Paypal與支付寶,即為利用電子支付交易措施取代實體通貨之交易模式。
    Recently, with the advanced development of Electronic Commerce, the complete electronic payment system has become the necessarily crucial part.Therefore, online trading platforms, such as Paypal in the United States and Alipay in China, have started using electronic currency to replace entity currency, resulting in a new approach of currency trading for online consumers. In addition, they have utilized performance guarantees to expand new third-party transaction models.
    Incalculable developed countries have already enacted laws and regulations for decades, due to the fact that the third-party payment service is related to numerous issues, e.g. financial governance, consumer protection, information security, money laundering control.On the contrary, the Legislative Yuan in Taiwan just enacted “The Act Governing Electronic Payment Institutions” on January 16, 2015, which has been implemented on May 2, 2015. It allows the third-party payment service providers, which is called Electronic Payment Institutions in the Act, to execute the service of value-storing legally for the first time in Taiwan. However, the implementation of the Act does not mean the completion of the legislative work of electronic payment system.
    This study will observe international legislations and regulations related to the third-party payment service, comparing them with The Act Governing Electronic Payment Institutions.Last but not least, it provides some practical suggestions from international experience, which could be expected as the reference for the future policy. Hoping this study can help the development as well as the governance of the third-party payment service in Taiwan.
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