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    Title: 繪本為初級成人華語閱讀教學輔助教材之研究
    Picture Book as Assisted Reading Materials in Teaching Chinese for Adult Beginners
    Authors: 張郁笙
    Chang, Yu Sheng
    Contributors: 謝林德
    Dennis Schilling
    Chang, Yu Sheng
    Keywords: 華語教學
    Chinese teaching
    picture book
    reading comprehension
    assisted material
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-09-02 00:12:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 華語教材漸趨多元,圖文並茂的素材賞心悅目同時吸引讀者興趣,繪本兼具兩者特質,然而圖文書作為學習華語的語言材料尚未有獨立繪本可直接教學,本研究教材以華測會八千詞為依,加工原始資料,希望成為正規教材之外的初級華語學習教材。
    Picture books enjoy great attention today. The readership of more sophisticated picture books like graphic novels increased in the last decade. Illustrated narratives are not confined to manga or children books anymore. Although Chinese teaching materials, too, made great advances in the last ten years and layout and design became more attractive than before, recent developments of teaching materials do not get catch up with the increased popularity of picture books, especially with graphic novels and other picture books for adults.
    The present study aims to explore the conditions we should care about when we want to use picture books in classroom teaching. A focus is laid on teaching Chinese reading and character acquisition for beginners (A2) who only have a very limited knowledge of Chinese. Can picture books facilitate the learning process of reading? Can illustrations help to comprehend textual meaning? To answer questions like this, the present study examines various theories and research results about the interaction between the illustrations and the reading processes and reflects these theories with their didactic significance.
    The background for the present study is a half year teaching experience using different picture books to teach reading and Chinese character acquisition to beginners who did not have much time in Taiwan for study and who are not very motivated to learn reading Chinese. At the beginning, the use of picture books as teaching materials aimed to motivate students to learn Chinese characters and to encourage them to read Chinese not only in the classroom, but also to apply their knowledge to their own activities in their leisure time. Later, the author deliberately used picture books as teaching materials to learn more about the advances and shortcomings of these materials.
    Thus, the present study is the theoretical reflection of this teaching experience. It investigates picture books not only from the perspective how picture books can facilitate learning processes of Chinese reading competence, but also from the perspective how can picture books contribute to motivate students to read Chinese inside and outside of the classroom. Teaching materials based on three picture books are presented in this study.
    These materials first were used for teaching beginners and become later more and more developed, evaluated and revised in accordance to teaching experience, learning outcome and students’ opinions. Course designs based on these materials are added at the end of the present study.
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