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    Title: 流行女裝購物網站文本的符號運作:以自行架設網站為例
    Semiological study of female fashion clothes online shop: the example of self-hosted website
    Authors: 蘇由由
    Su, You You
    Contributors: 孫秀蕙
    Sun, Hsiu Hui
    Su, You You
    Keywords: 小資女孩
    middle-class girls
    female subjectivity
    middle-class taste
    life style
    self-hosted female fashion clothes online shop
    website text
    pictorial analysis
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-09-01 17:10:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著網際網路科技的日新月異,網購市場連年持續增長,網站圖文的商業設計逐漸受到重視。伴隨這股潮流,具有足夠經營自由度的自行架設流行女裝購物網站也成為趨勢,作為風格化的網路購物場域,相關網站如何將其所具有的購物功能與核心風格意義完整地傳達給網路漫遊消費者,是重要的課題。
    本研究挪用並且修正了法國符號學者 Roland Barthes所提出的圖文廣告文本研究取徑以分析自行架設流行女裝購物網站文本,欲從其中發掘網站文本的表意策略與核心意義。研究結果發現,經由網站設計者的安排,以網站首頁作為起始的瀏覽路徑,以及網站任一頁面中「純粹商品區塊」、「非純粹商品區塊」的混合配置,對消費者而言形成受限的敘事脈絡,而透過網站結構之間與圖文之間的預設、情境功能,相關購物網站也框架了消費者對特定核心意義的解讀。
    根據本文的符號分析結果,最終所有的案例皆以「文明城市」與「台灣性」的生活圖景,對其目標受眾「小資女孩」傳遞了某種「想像的中產階級品味」。從「QUEEN FASHION SHOP」、「STARMIMI」、「ORENDA」至「EYESCREAM」,本文的四則案例以「快步調」、「物質性」、「秩序性」等三個面向的正、反面意涵為核心,分別營造了「逃離都會價值」、「躲避都會價值」、「追隨都會價值」、「超脫都會價值」等擬像性(simulation)的生活風格,鼓勵小資女孩們盡情投射其消費凝視於相關的網路文本當中,並產生購買的衝動。此外,根據不同的案例,本文也發現主動/被動兩面性的女性形象展演。總結而言,相關網站文本反映了台灣時下開始注重品味內涵與女性自主的消費文化。
    Owing to the rapid development of internet technology, the market of e-shopping steadily grows bigger each year so that the commercial design of websites has become very important. In respond to these trends, self-hosted female fashion clothes online shops have sprung up. It is crucial for these online fashion shops to precisely convey the meaning of the commercial websites as well as the core styles to their consumers.
    Adopting Roland Barthes’ semiotic approach, the study alters part of the method, intending to interpret the signifying process and core meaning of the website texts. We conclude that the related websites contempt to fix the viewers navigating path by arranging a fixed browsing strategy starting from the home page and then moving to “goods-only” and “mixed” (good combined with other kinds of presentations) pages. The study finds that self-hosted female fashion clothes online shops utilize the anchorage and relay functions suggested by Barthes on not only the features of the websites but also the messages in the websites.
    According to the present study, each of the four cases analyzed displays the life images related to “civilized city” and ”Taiwaness”, communicating certain of ” imaginary middle-class taste“ to its target consumer, i.e., the ”middle-class girls”. From QUEEN FASHION SHOP, STARMIMI, ORENDA to EYESCREAM, these website texts consistently convey several synonymous or antonymous concepts which may be different from each other, but coincidently all belong to three particular concepts of “fast-pace”, “materiality” and “order”. These website texts create four kinds of simulation life styles, including “getting away from the city value”, “dodging the city value”, ”following the city value” and “transcending the city value”. These life styles presented by the four website texts encourage the consumers to buy more. We conclude that the consumer culture in Taiwan has begun to focus on taste, depth and the concept of female subjectivity.
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