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    Title: 蘇格蘭與愛爾蘭民族主義運動之比較
    Comparative Study on Scottish and Irish Nationalism Developments
    Authors: 林浩博
    Lin, Hao Po
    Contributors: 唐玉禮
    Lin, Hao Po
    Keywords: 蘇格蘭
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-08-22 17:25:30 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:    蘇格蘭、愛爾蘭的民族運動, 影響了20世紀以來的英國政治。 從上個世紀喧騰一時的北愛爾蘭騷亂, 到2014年的蘇格蘭獨立公投, 都是蘇、愛兩地的民族主義政治遺緒, 它們的影響甚至牽動了2015年英國政黨選舉。 然而, 當它們大大影響今日英國地位的時候, 這兩地的民族主義又從何而來, 它們又為何各有不同的成果: 愛爾蘭在20世紀初以流血戰爭, 甚至內戰才獨立, 而蘇格蘭直到1970年代才見風起雲湧的民族運動。 都享有賽爾特(Celtic)文化同源的兩地, 何以會有如此分歧的民族主義發展?
       本文從民族主義的發展入手, 把民族主義分成三個階段: 民族邊界的界定、民族內涵的建構、政治運動的採行。 在這三個階段, 英格蘭的外在政治力介入、知識分子的建構, 以及民族主義作為意識形態, 都分別影響了蘇、愛兩地民族運動道路。 藉著理解蘇、愛兩地的民族主義發展, 希望能在「民族」形成的議題上, 及其未來發展的研究上, 有更深的理解。
      The nationalist movement of Ireland and that of Scotland have greatly influenced the United Kingdom`s politics since the 20th century. From last century`s turmoils in Northern Ireland to a refereudum held on Scottish independencein 2014, marks of these two regions` nationalisms are still clearly seen . Even 2015 UK general election cannot really escape them. Yet as nationalisms have certain effects on the kingdom as the whole, where exactly do they come from? More importanatly, what is the reason behind divergent paths that Scottish nationalists and their Irish counterparts take? Ireland has emerged as a soveregin republic after a series of bloody wars in the early 20th century; whereas Scotland hasn`t seen any significent nationalist movements calling for independence until 1970s. After all, both regions have shared the roots of Celtic culture and under the rule of London for hundres of years.

      In order to answer this question, this paper traced back the history of Scotland and Ireland respectively, with attempts to find the origin of these two regions` nationalisms. To clearify the nationalisms` developments, the paper separate the hisorical process into three stages: the formation of national boundaries, the shaping of nation`s cultural core and finally, nationalism as a politcal ideology and movement. In each stage, the outside intervention of England, the intellgents and nationalist ideologies have played a role in the process of constructing these two regions` different nationalist paths. Through understanding Scottish and Irish nationalisms and their divergent developments, the paper wishes to give an insight into the conept construction of "nation."
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