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    Title: 供應商攻入與穩固客戶關係之研究
    Establishing and Solidifying Relationships with Clients
    Authors: 谷裔凡
    Ku, Yi Fan
    Contributors: 于卓民
    Yu, Joseph
    Ku, Yi Fan
    Keywords: 資源基礎論
    Resource-Based Theory
    Core ability
    Supply chain
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-08-22 17:23:29 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究之個案公司其專業於微波通訊零組件之代理銷售,及配套完整測試方案之整合。目前公司市場範圍延伸至商用與消費性市場,且合作夥伴分佈在台灣、大陸甚至歐美各國。企業面對全球化競爭,若要在世界經濟舞台上扮演重要角色,其中關鍵成功因素之一就是供應鏈夥伴建立緊密的關係。
    The case company specialize in sale agent in microwave communications components, and supporting complete solution. Currently, the company extend its marketing range to the commercial and consumer markets, it has partners in Taiwan, mainland China, Europe and the United States. Companies face global competition, each of them wants to play an important role on the world economic stage. The key is to establish a close relationship to supply chain partners.
    This study explores how the case company meets clients needs by their own ability and value on the basis of Resource-Based theory. The relationship between companies and their clients is a special “strategic partnership”. The relationship let company make good use of the core competitiveness in procurement process, maintain a dominant position, thereby affect the clients or industry.
    This study using case analysis has the following conclusions: (a) There are five points in establishing relationships with clients by supplier, including “our own ability and value”, “clients need”, “the consensus with clients and develop solutions with clients” and “expand the services and products”. (b) There are five points in solidifying relationships with clients by supplier, including “product quality”, “product price”, “product delivery”, “service and relationship of trust”, “barriers to entry”.
    Suppliers can formulate strategies through the conclusion to enhance its capability, increase the chance of establishing clients, enhance interaction between clients and suppliers, increase clients loyalty, maintain relationship with clients and earn more profit.
    第一章 緒論 1
    第一節 研究背景與動機 2
    第二節 研究問題與目的 3
    第三節 研究程序與章節簡介 3
    第二章 文獻探討 6
    第一節 資源基礎理論 7
    第二節 工業品採購 18
    第三節 小結 32
    第三章 研究方法 33
    第一節 研究架構 33
    第二節 個案研究方法 37
    第三節 資料蒐集過程 38
    第四章 個案資料描述 41
    第一節 個案公司介紹 41
    第二節 國內第一家專業微波及衛星通訊公司 43
    第三節 全球最大的代工廠 48
    第四節 全球第二大德國射頻測試儀器商 53
    第五節 全球IC設計領導廠商 55
    第五章 個案分析 59
    第六章 結論與建議 82
    第一節 研究結論 82
    第二節 後續研究建議 92
    參考文獻 94
    中文文獻 94
    英文文獻 96
    Reference: 中文文獻

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