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    题名: 國際市場進入策略和行銷組合之研究——以馬來西亞M公司和台灣日出茶太為例
    International Market Entry Mode and Marketing Mix--- A Case Study of Malaysia M Company and Taiwan Chatime
    作者: 陳泋彤
    Tan, Jessica
    贡献者: 樓永堅
    Lou,Yung Chien
    Tan, Jessica
    关键词: 國際化動機
    Motive of globalization
    market entry mode
    marketing mix
    日期: 2016
    上传时间: 2016-08-22 13:43:08 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 台灣和馬來西亞的經濟文化關係可以追溯到1960年代。雖然在官方關係上曾經斷交,但是非官方的交易來往並不受影響。本研究即將探討兩個國家的企業在進入彼此的國家發展的進入策略以及在該國的行銷手法之差異。本研究探討四方對象,有馬來西亞的M公司,台灣統創代理商,台灣六角國際(日出茶太)和馬來西亞日出茶太代理商,但是本研究以針對母國,也就是M公司和六角國際(日出茶太)為主要採訪企業,從母國的角度探討企業經營環境、國際化動機、市場進入模式與母國和地主國的行銷組合。另外,其中一個小節也針對台灣和馬來西亞的國家經濟環境和發展、人口、氣候、人文因素進行比較以辨別出兩國的差異。其研究結果一方面可提供國內的業者參考未來的國際化佈局策略,另一方面也有助於對於馬來西亞和台灣市場的了解。

    The economic and cultural relations between Taiwan and Malaysia can be traced back to 1960. Although Malaysia has formally ended diplomatic relations with Taiwan, informal relations between Malaysia and Taiwan is still ongoing and maintaining. This study discussed the market entry mode and marketing mix in both countries of two different companies. This study targets four companies, which are Malaysia M Company, Taiwan Tongjih, Taiwan Lakaffa (Chatime) and lastly Malaysia (Chatime) but mainly interview only two founded companies, the M Company from Malaysia and Lakaffa from Taiwan. This research studies from the view of the mother land. It discusses both companies’ operating environment, the motive of globalization, market entry mode and the differences of marketing mix between the home country and host country. Beside of that, one of the chapters extends in comparing country environment and development, population, weather and culture factor between Malaysia and Taiwan. This study result aims to provide a reference in globalization strategy and improve a great knowledge about Malaysia and Taiwan market to the audience.

    Supported by M company, a manufacturer of Malaysia flavor instant noodle (Penang White Curry Mee) and Lakaffa, franchiser of Taiwanese beverages (Bubble Tea),two hours interview session, the comparison is showed as below:
    1. There are no differences between the motives of globalization between these two companies.
    2. Differences in product type, different operating environment and experience background affect the choice of market entry mode.
    3. The differences of county size, weather, culture, custom and infrastructure affect the design of marketing mix in Malaysia and Taiwan market.
    參考文獻: 參考文獻
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