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    Title: 新創生技公司個案分析 - 以Theranos公司為例
    A Case Study of Biotechnology Startup Companies - In Example of Theranos, Inc.
    Authors: 曾哲揚
    Tseng, Tse Yang
    Contributors: 陳桂恒

    Tseng, Tse Yang
    Keywords: 生技產業
    Case Study
    Key Success Factors
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-08-22 13:42:51 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 生命科學產業常被視作將來的明星產業,亦被選為台灣產業轉型政策中之策略性產業。新創生技公司如何取得成功,是台灣接下來需特別關注的重要議題。
    Life sciences industry has been seen as the star industry in the future and has been selected as the centerpiece of Taiwan`s industrial transformation policy. How can a biotechnology startup company develop successful is going to be an important issue we must concern about.
    In this study, the most representative and controversial case in biotechnology startup companies in 2015 - Theranos, Inc. has been chosen as the research subject. "4C Framework of Strategic Marketing Analysis" and "Strategic Pattern Analysis" are used to analyze the company`s strategic pattern and key success factors during the period before the critical incidents happened. The critical incidents` effects upon the company, the appropriateness of its crisis management actions, and its future development strategies are also discussed in this study. The purpose of this study is to provide information for Taiwan`s biotechnology companies as a reference for strategy development, resource allocation and crisis management.
    We found that before the critical incidents happened, the company`s blood examination service had lower overall transaction cost due to its lower cost of utility. The company was highly vertically integrated, relied on endorsement effects, and owned unique partnership which contributed to its special distribution channels. In this period of time, its key success factors included: industry trend and market demand, research ability, examination ability, marketing ability, team member and business partner, and finance. After the critical incidents happened, the company`s examination ability, marketing activities, and distribution channels have been adversely affected. And although we cannot make a final conclusion about the effects of its crisis management actions now, its deficiencies in communication has already resulted in huge damage to its reputation. Until today, some information about key factors which might affect the company`s future development still remains unknown to the public. Depends on the actual status of the company, its possible development strategies include: go bankrupt, narrow down the scope of business, or keep expanding.
    This case study shows the importance of both technology and marketing in biotechnology companies. And the study results provide some practical suggestions to Taiwan`s biotechnology companies, which include: seize the market opportunities, use company`s specialty to build up partnership, the importance of integrated marketing, usage of endorsement effect and media, beware of the legal risk, make sure of the reliability of company`s key technology, the importance of crisis communication, and the importance of choose the team members.
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